
IgA nephropathy patients need lifelong medicine?

Iga nephropathy patients need lifelong medication do? IGA nephropathy evolved by persistent acute nephritis, but most patients had no history of acute nephritis, a chronic process began on the show. The main performance of the face and lower extremity edema; urine tests proteins, red blood cells, pus or tube; some patients may be renal hypertension, often accompanied by backache, dizziness, lassitude, loss of appetite, pale or sallow complexion, etc. systemic symptoms; patients with advanced chronic renal failure may be due to the emergence of dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of uremia. Uremic patients generally require lifelong medication, serious illness need for dialysis.

IgA nephropathy patients as long as they receive effective treatment, clinical cure can be achieved, as long as proper treatment, the disease is not necessarily stable IgA nephropathy patients need lifelong medication.


