
What pregnant women after iga nephropathy attention

What pregnant women after iga nephropathy attention? It is a symptom of many women who encounter, then you understand how much of this do? Next, let us take a look at the experts describes it.

? What pregnant women iga nephropathy note are:

1. To a reasonable diet, to ensure that nutrition, sufficient quantities of vitamin supplements to enhance physical fitness, reduce chances of infection.

2. Regularly check the urine, blood pressure, check kidney function. Especially late in pregnancy should be checked twice weekly urine, measure blood pressure every day, every 1 to 2 weeks check once kidney function. Such as the emergence of the body not suited for medical treatment as soon as possible.

3. To pay more attention to life conditioning, to ensure adequate rest and sleep.

4. To pay attention to warm cold, upper respiratory tract infection prevention, attention to the perineum clean, avoid sex, reducing the chance of urinary tract infection.

5. It should be noted skin cleansing and early treatment of dental caries.

What pregnant women after iga nephropathy attention? After a detailed description of the above text for this issue is that you are aware of it, if you have any questions on this please feel free to consult the online experts.


