
Iga nephropathy four suffering serious it

Iga nephropathy everyone understand it? Iga nephropathy is divided into several stages it? A lot of people iga nephropathy of grade 4, then appeared iga nephropathy four Yan is not serious it? To address this issue, we as expert analysis related to kidney disease presentation We! hope to help friends of patients, causing everyone's attention.

Iga nephropathy occurs due to external invasion of inflammatory substances cause kidney damage, which in the course of treatment would be anti-inflammatory, inhibiting inflammatory substances continue to kidney inherent cell is mesangial cell damage. External inflammatory substances into the human body and iga generate antigen-antibody immune complexes, and then deposited in the mesangial area of ​​renal ischemia and hypoxia occurs, and thus to do is be vasodilators improve blood circulation and kidneys ischemic hypoxia for repair mesangial cells provide a good therapeutic environment. So iga nephropathy four Yan is not serious it?

IgA nephropathy Lee grade Ⅳ grade: severe glomerular lesions were diffuse mesangial proliferation and sclerosis, some or all of glomerulosclerosis, visible crescent (<45%). Tubular atrophy, interstitial infiltration, and occasionally renal interstitial foam cells. Typing this crescent take an example: this type crescent close to 50%, can be said that if patients do not pay attention, it will most likely achieve this figure, but studies have shown that when the crescent exceeds glomerular When more than 50% of the total, is the crescent glomerulonephritis (or crescent iga nephropathy), which is other than domestic lupus nephritis most common type II - immune complex glomerulonephritis crescent.

From the above description, it can be seen iga nephropathy in four stages, are more serious, and therefore need to be treated as soon as possible specification. Increase blood viscosity will increase in inflammatory cells, then platelets hyperthyroidism, enhanced coagulation, leading to microthrombi constituted, in order to prevent micro thrombus composition, and thus to anticoagulant therapy, keeping blood unobstructed, avoid immunity composite excessive deposition.

Through the above description everyone iga nephropathy four Yan is not serious all clear now! If you have any questions about the above, you can always consult the online experts understand. If you want to know more, you can click online experts, leave your contact telephone number, experts will contact you to help you solve the problem!


