
IgA nephropathy patients for which exercise to do

IgA nephropathy patients for which sport do? Exercise therapy varied as walking, cycling, swimming, jogging, tai chi, gymnastics, martial arts and other patients to choose the appropriate exercise according to their physical and be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, especially To pay attention to the relationship between exercise and rest to avoid fatigue and aggravate disease IgA nephropathy exercise therapy in clinical practice and live mainly in the traditional sports-based health care approach.
The main characteristics of traditional sports health approach is static and dynamic binding internally and externally both physically and mentally calm emotional dependency is satisfied that the intended easy and natural to concentrate to win their hearts to nurture upright exercise that is moving in the spirit of peace of mind and emotional state of the qi and blood thinning proficient strong network tendons and bones with strong profits slip joint body, adjusting the internal organs in order to keep moving in order to quiet repose shape moving in quietly in action "action in static," that is, when the motion to maintain a peaceful state of mind to concentrate on "static in action" is To maintain the natural harmony breathing only dynamic and static meaning, gas, keep close coordination body within three to practice refined gas outside the living God, blood and viscera strong bones. So what is suitable for patients with IgA nephropathy movement, this movement must be to slow.
When sports health exercise to do what, gradual and sustained a variety of traditional sports people have different characteristics according to their circumstances such as age, physical, occupational, etc., the actual needs and interests and to choose the right method can also be based on different time , place, occasion and choose the appropriate item in the exercise appropriate selected items are not necessarily confined to a particular application can be integrated or alternatively interspersed in terms of exercise and should gradually increase the technical difficulty and must not be forced to pay attention to moderation and hasty exercise should be carried out under the guidance of a doctor or coach in addition to doing the pulse, respiration, blood pressure monitoring may also refer to the outer "acid addition, pain reduction, Ma stop" principle as the muscles after exercise feel sorrow and grief only slightly bulging heavy lifting activities can continue to maintain the original sense of the amount of exercise or slightly increase the number of topical pain should reduce the amount of exercise or sports such as numbness replace induction stop motion and find out the reason to do further processing to enhance physical fitness, treatment of disease often work short span of time in order to be effective So there is a process to persevere, especially in order to insist on more time to be achieved initial results make the effect to consolidate and further improved.
These are suitable for presentation in patients with IgA nephropathy do what movement, saw the introduction of experts, is not understand it, if you have any other questions, want to know, you can click on the online consultation, and kidney expert online communication. Will give you a satisfactory answer, relieve your pain, returned to you a perfectly healthy body. Sincerely wish a speedy recovery to all patients!


