
IGA nephropathy with hypertension do serious

IGA nephropathy is a common clinical kidney disease, are of primary glomerulonephritis in one. Hypertension, is one of the common symptoms of many kidney patients, but also in our daily life a common disease. So IGA nephropathy with hypertension serious? Here we ask kidney disease associated experts to tell you about, we want to help!

IGA nephropathy, also known as Berger's disease, is a special type of glomerulonephritis, mainly in children and young people, often before the onset of upper respiratory tract infection, the lesion is characterized by mesangial proliferation, immunofluorescence examination showed mesangial District IgA deposition.

IGA severity vary widely, early lesions are mild, were focal, only a few have mild glomerular mesangial broadening and stage hyperplasia, focal proliferative changes may develop focal sclerosis. Some of the more obvious lesions may diffuse mesangial proliferation, crescent formation and occasionally may have. IGA nephropathy associated with mild hypertension, considered serious?

Hypertension can accelerate the deterioration of IGA nephropathy, IGA nephropathy same lack of effective control of blood pressure will be higher. Antihypertensive, well what kind of doctor you for antihypertensive drugs, less damage to the kidneys can be long-term use. IGA nephropathy associated with mild hypertension, considered serious? Diet Shanghao low-salt diet. Eat less greasy, eating vegetable protein (soy products category), drink less pigment drinks. Your current situation is not bad, keep, aggressive treatment will not have anything, as to marry and have children is certainly no problem. Good control of the disease, good conditioning of the body will not have any impact in life

Blood pressure can cause renal damage, it can accelerate the deterioration of iga nephropathy. IGA nephropathy associated with mild hypertension, considered serious? Antihypertensive drugs should eat as soon as possible, starting with control of blood pressure to proceed. Eat more soy products in their daily diet, pay attention to eat less salt, eat spicy food, tobacco and alcohol. You can also eat the proper foods kidney, but more critical is to control blood pressure.

Through the introduction of the above-mentioned experts, severe hypertension associated with it if you are have a certain understanding of IGA nephropathy? And if you still want to know what can and online expert consultation, online kidney specialist will provide you with The most comprehensive answer!


