
Follow iga nephropathy can be much longer

Iga nephropathy can be much longer had it? Because of the growing number of patients with this disease, the patient's life and work to bring a great impact. So, for iga nephropathy everyone know how much? Iga nephropathy suffering can be much longer? Here, we introduce expert analysis with kidney disease to learn it together!

Part IgA nephropathy patients and relieve itself, about 4% to 20%, each year about 1% to 2% to end stage renal failure cases. IgA nephropathy lifetime statistical analysis showed that, IgA nephropathy can live a decade about 80% to 90%, and eventually developed into uremia estimate by about 35%, the rest is sustained proteinuria or hematuria. Treatment of IgA nephropathy is also related to the ability to grasp the key to whether the long IgA nephropathy. Early promote myofibroblast apoptosis and immune complexes; reduce the synthesis of extracellular matrix, increasing its degradation, kidney damage organizations may also be partly repaired, kidney function may be gradually restored, kidney replacement therapy time it is possible to gradually extend, as well as gradually get rid of dialysis.

The early stages of the inflammatory response as long as the system standard treatment can be cured, if the treatment is purely symptomatic treatment, which is a simple elimination of hematuria or proteinuria, in withdrawal symptoms bound to bounce back again, because the traditional Western medicine can only characterize disease treatment, which is a temporary solution, but there are many side effects, patients with long-term use will produce dependence, gradually damage inherent in kidney cells, is not conducive to long-term health of the kidneys.


