
Clinical manifestations of IgA nephropathy Children

Children IgA nephropathy clinical manifestations are what Can you understand? Children IgA nephropathy is more common in children, but many parents do not understand this, you know it, then, we take a look at the experts describes it.

Children IgA nephropathy (also known as IgA mesangial nephropathy) is a special group of immune pathological types of primary glomerular diseases. Children IgA nephropathy with hematuria the most common symptoms, atypical syndrome or nephrotic syndrome with acute onset form of nephritis, IgA nephropathy in children before the onset of frequent respiratory or digestive tract, urinary tract infection, male to female ratio of 2: 1 .

Children IgA nephropathy clinical manifestations:

1. Children IgA nephropathy episodes of hematuria: 1 to 5 days after infection in children often (mostly within 48 hours) suddenly appears hematuria, not associated with urinary symptoms, high blood pressure and swelling and other symptoms of glomerular disease, hematuria for 1 to 5 days quickly disappeared. Gross hematuria can be recurrent, intermittent varying lengths.

2. Children IgA nephropathy persistent hematuria: Children often found in the urine examination, continued for a long time does not go away, not accompanied by or with mild proteinuria.

3. Children IgA nephropathy other manifestations: children 4 to 10% of acute nephritic syndrome onset, 10% onset nephrotic syndrome, a few cases with rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis and rapidly progressive renal failure onset, very few cases In chronic renal insufficiency and hypertension onset.

For a detailed description above is full of children with IgA nephropathy clinical manifestations, if your child has symptoms of more, please go to regular hospital, so as not to adversely affected by illness.


