
Experts iga nephropathy can not eat anything

Many patients suffering from iga nephropathy understanding this disease is not a lot, experts remind us understand iga nephropathy can help you be effective in preventing the occurrence of the disease. So, what type iga nephropathy diagnosis? Here, we might as kidney disease experts together to understand it!

Experts point out that, iga nephropathy typing in the following areas:

1, episodes of gross hematuria: iga nephropathy in type more common in children. Its gross hematuria occurs mostly in the upper respiratory tract infection (tonsillitis) after acute gastroenteritis are also part of the attack or urinary tract infection at intervals more than 24 to 72 hours. Gross hematuria sustainable for several hours to several days, and then to persistent microscopic hematuria, hematuria may disappear in some patients, but often attack, reproduce gross hematuria attack, may be associated with mild systemic symptoms, such as muscle aches, painful urination, pain in the back, or a transient increase in blood pressure and blood urea nitrogen.

2, asymptomatic microscopic hematuria and proteinuria: iga nephropathy typing this for children and teenagers the main clinical manifestations of IgA nephropathy, often to be found in the physical examination, it can be expressed as a simple microscopic hematuria or microscopic hematuria with a small amount of protein Pee.

3, proteinuria: iga nephropathy type of mild proteinuria, urinary protein generally <1g / 24h, small number of patients with massive proteinuria or nephrotic syndrome.

4. Other iga nephropathy type: Part IgA nephropathy can occur in patients with nephrotic syndrome, acute progressive nephritic syndrome, renal failure, a few may appear waist and / or abdominal pain associated with hematuria.


