
Prevention IgA nephritis

Something few people know how to prevent IgA nephritis? IgA nephritis is now a common kidney disease, but many people do not understand all this, if you're interested, please take your questions, along with experts to understand in detail about it.

How to prevent IgA nephritis? IgA nephritis patients, IgA nephritis patients around about 70% and the incidence of long-term overwork related. Experts explained that because people in the state of fatigue, coupled with work, stress, decreased immunity are particularly vulnerable to increased opportunities arise immune response, easily lead to upper respiratory tract infection, backache, low back pain, leg swelling, eyelid edema, proteinuria, and even lead high blood pressure, dizziness and other symptoms, and ultimately kidney damage occurs, so fatigue becomes cause IgA nephritis biggest culprit.

Usually work lianzhouzhuan busy man, body fatigue are in a transitional period. Such as those stars, attached busy filming TV, the most prone to problems. Whether it is movie stars, presenters, or the general public, it is one of the important causes of excessive IgA nephritis caused by fatigue.

IgA nephritis is clinically very common disease, but onset occult, difficult to detect, when many acute and chronic treatment of patients IgA nephritis disease is difficult to say since when, but said the most recent period is very tired. So, for those work stress, prone to fatigue, people, pay attention to early prevention, reasonable living arrangements are very important, we must try to avoid iga nephritis. To work in a specific environment, in particular, to keep warm, avoid cold, the workload is not too large, pay attention to work and rest. If colds and other symptoms appear, be sure to pay attention, timely rest, timely treatment.

Whenever working too hard, when to relax as much as possible. Tired Xie Hui, avoid iga nephritis find themselves. Be sure to adhere to exercise, increase endurance, if there is hematuria, back pain backache feeling, it must go to the hospital for detailed examination, avoid iga nephritis attack.

The above is the introduction of prevention IgA nephritis, after reading the full text of this if your are aware of it, if you have any questions on this issue please feel free to consult our online experts.


