
iga nephropathy can be pregnant?

iga nephropathy is a multiple nephropathy, both men and women, age, there are a lot of newly married couples will suffer from this disease, since both want a cute baby's sake. Many people with iga nephropathy young couple patients want to know in this case can not be pregnant? Here, we take a look to experts it!

iga nephropathy can be pregnant? experts, women iga nephropathy can be well tolerated pregnancy, only those with hypertension can not control occurs, glomerular filtration rate of less than 70ml / min, or when there is a serious renal biopsy among patients with interstitial disease and renal arteries, pregnant, increases the risk of renal abnormalities occur. In addition to high blood pressure can not be controlled only a small puncture to displaying severe kidney disease female patients, the majority of patients with IgA nephropathy may be pregnant. In this process experts emphasized iga nephropathy in patients with pregnancy, should actively observe, regular follow-up blood pressure, urine, and 24-hour urinary protein, kidney function and so on.

Experts pointed to the need to note that blood urea nitrogen and creatinine in the normal range, does not necessarily indicate normal renal function. Kidney has a strong reserve and compensatory function only when renal function decline to 30 percent below normal, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine values ​​will be outside the normal range. iga nephropathy patients, such as trying to get pregnant you need to always pay attention to the prevention of the occurrence of various diseases circumstances, should the doctor's guidance and allow all the preparations done under pregnancy, in order to ensure the safety of pregnant women and infants. iga nephropathy three with hypertension, is not recommended for pregnant, pregnancy can lead to aggravation of the disease or impaired renal function. Treatment of kidney disease, please select specialty hospitals.

Through the above description we can not conceive of iga nephropathy are clear now! If you have any questions about the above, you can always consult the online experts understand. If you want to know more, you can click online experts, leave your contact telephone number, experts will contact you to help you solve the problem!


