
Early symptoms of IgA nephritis What are

IgA nephritis is currently one of the more popular type of kidney disease, its multiple child who is one of the healthy growth of children the most important disease affecting, IgA nephritis if we can get timely treatment, the effect is still very impressive, so IgA nephritis What are the early symptoms of it?
Early symptoms of IgA nephritis one: low back pain. No clear cause back pain, you should check the kidneys, spine and lumbar back muscles.
Early symptoms of IgA nephritis II: male sexual dysfunction may be aspects of performance, such as semen, slippery pulse and so on.
Early symptoms of IgA nephritis three: urine foam more, and for a long time does not disappear. This shows that more protein excretion in the urine.
Early symptoms of IgA nephritis IV: nocturia. Normal people within 60 years, the general should not have frequent nocturia, nocturnal increase if young, is likely to be an early manifestation of poor kidney function.
Early symptoms of IgA nephritis five: too much or too little urine. Being mortal urine even about 1500 ml daily, 4-8 times a day. If a lot of sweat, a lot of water, no heat and other phenomena, urine volume appeared suddenly plummeted or increased, it is necessary to the hospital, see if it is kidney disease.
Early symptoms of IgA nephritis Six: Urine discoloration. Urine was dark brown, wash the meat water samples, such as soy sauce color or turbidity when Taomi, seek medical attention immediately.
Early symptoms of IgA nephritis Seven: edema. After the morning eyelid or facial edema, multi afternoon faded, tired after the increase, rest after mitigation. Severe edema occur inside the ankles, lower limbs, lumbosacral like.


