
iga nephropathy patients have any specific dietary requirements

iga nephropathy in patients with specific dietary requirements are what? There are many kidney patients get checked out on the iga nephropathy, the nephropathy is rather special, it brings more obvious symptoms, in patients with renal and other organizations will damage. So it should be treated, but the diet is also a patient can not be ignored important thing. So iga nephropathy patients have any specific dietary requirements? Here take a look at some of the details related to the content of my kidney specialist Mody this presentation of it.
What iga nephropathy in patients with specific dietary requirements have it?
Our kidney experts say: For iga nephropathy and other various kidney disease, the protein intake for more emphasis to be before they can. iga nephropathy patients to scientific and reasonable arrangements for their protein intake, diet therapy should be used to determine protein intake according to degree of renal function impairment, if longer duration, renal damage is not serious, the protein in food is not strictly limit, but not more than 1 gram per kilogram of body weight per day, high-quality protein to reach more than 50 percent. By limiting the intake of protein in the diet, so patients with iga nephropathy energy sources has been limited, the supply of energy to carbohydrates and fat as the main source of energy supply depends on the labor intensity may be. The Breakers, adult daily supply of 126 kJ to 147 kJ (30 kcal to 35 kcal) / kg body weight. And activities to meet the needs of patients.
iga nephropathy patients also need special attention salt intake, excessive intake of salt is serious injury to the kidneys. iga nephropathy patients decide to combine their condition in their daily diet is much need to eat salt, but in severe edema and hypertension, the amount of salt should be controlled at below 2 g / day, or even give salt-free diet, generally salt is appropriate.
Described above is our iga kidney patients for kidney specialist dietary requirements are what specifically introduced some relevant content to attract relationship, we hope we can bring some help. If you have a number of similar questions, please click consult our online experts.


What routine care measures have iga nephropathy

iga nephropathy is a serious damage to human health and disease, it can lead to serious uremia occurs, thereby endangering the lives and health of the patient. Therefore, for patients with the disease, not only pay attention to the treatment of disease, but also to do the care work, especially diet care. Below, please nephropathy our experts to tell you about, day care iga nephropathy.

1, a reasonable diet. For iga nephropathy patients is concerned, first of all to strictly control the salt intake. Under normal circumstances, the patient's daily salt intake should not more than three grams, but also away from pickled or salty foods.

2, pay attention to protein intake, it is one of iga nephropathy daily care. Experts said that low protein can reduce the burden on the kidneys, so protein intake needs to be calculated based on the patient's weight, food mainly in high-quality animal protein based.

3, pay attention to skin care. For iga nephropathy patients, we need a quiet and comfortable environment, but also to maintain hygiene and neat beds, good clothes, soft cotton clothing.

4, to avoid infection, it is one of iga nephropathy daily care. As the patient's resistance is relatively weak, very susceptible to infection. So try to avoid various infections also occur, such as: urinary tract infection, upper respiratory tract infections.

5, when iga nephropathy patient's condition is more serious, the good bed rest, avoid excessive activity. This can increase renal blood flow and improve glomerular filtration rate, reduce edema.

Described above is our nephrologist some details related to what described for the daily care measures iga nephropathy, hope we can bring some help. If you have any do not understand, I welcome you to click on the consultation online experts.


What harm have IgA nephropathy

IgA nephropathy after harm has it? Surely we want to know, to understand the harm IgA nephropathy, the treatment of the disease is also helpful to know more about some of the etiology and treatment of this disease on, for the recovery of the patient's condition There are certainly helpful. If not treated in time the consequences are very serious, so patients and friends to pay more attention to the occurrence of this disease in preventive preparation in life.
What harm have IgA nephropathy?
1, proteinuria: mild proteinuria, few patients may even massive proteinuria nephrotic syndrome.
2, episodes of gross hematuria: more common in children, more than its gross hematuria occurred after tonsillitis, acute gastroenteritis are also part of the urinary tract infection or attack. Gross hematuria sustainable for several hours to several days, and then to persistent microscopic hematuria, hematuria may disappear in some patients, but often attack, reproduce gross hematuria attack, may be associated with mild symptoms.
3, asymptomatic microscopic hematuria and proteinuria: this is the main clinical manifestations of children and adolescents IgA nephropathy, often to be found in the physical examination, it can be expressed as a simple microscopic hematuria or microscopic hematuria and proteinuria some of the symptoms associated with a small amount .

4. Other: Part of the disease can occur in patients with nephrotic syndrome, acute progressive nephritic syndrome, renal failure, a few may abdominal pain hematuria.


Early symptoms of IgA nephritis What are

IgA nephritis is currently one of the more popular type of kidney disease, its multiple child who is one of the healthy growth of children the most important disease affecting, IgA nephritis if we can get timely treatment, the effect is still very impressive, so IgA nephritis What are the early symptoms of it?
Early symptoms of IgA nephritis one: low back pain. No clear cause back pain, you should check the kidneys, spine and lumbar back muscles.
Early symptoms of IgA nephritis II: male sexual dysfunction may be aspects of performance, such as semen, slippery pulse and so on.
Early symptoms of IgA nephritis three: urine foam more, and for a long time does not disappear. This shows that more protein excretion in the urine.
Early symptoms of IgA nephritis IV: nocturia. Normal people within 60 years, the general should not have frequent nocturia, nocturnal increase if young, is likely to be an early manifestation of poor kidney function.
Early symptoms of IgA nephritis five: too much or too little urine. Being mortal urine even about 1500 ml daily, 4-8 times a day. If a lot of sweat, a lot of water, no heat and other phenomena, urine volume appeared suddenly plummeted or increased, it is necessary to the hospital, see if it is kidney disease.
Early symptoms of IgA nephritis Six: Urine discoloration. Urine was dark brown, wash the meat water samples, such as soy sauce color or turbidity when Taomi, seek medical attention immediately.
Early symptoms of IgA nephritis Seven: edema. After the morning eyelid or facial edema, multi afternoon faded, tired after the increase, rest after mitigation. Severe edema occur inside the ankles, lower limbs, lumbosacral like.


IgA nephropathy good treatment

IgA nephropathy occurs mainly in childhood, affecting the healthy development of children is a major killer, then what is the treatment of IgA nephropathy can maximize reduce the side effects? Here we have IgA nephropathy good treatment of this issue by the experts as we do Under answers.
Experts say there will be a large number of patients with IgA nephropathy hematuria, proteinuria One of the reasons is because the kidney tissue inflammation leads to glomerular injury, filtered urine protein, RBC aperture increases, the leakage increased protein and occult blood . While early treatment can get good treatment and prognosis.
IgA nephropathy good treatment: 1, without hormones control a variety of immunosuppressants of kidney tissue inflammation and reduce the side effects of hormones produced.
IgA nephropathy patients have been using immunosuppressive agents and cytotoxic drugs is the use of medicine to temporarily control the inflammatory response characteristics. But there is in control inflammation medicine aspects of its limitations, can not fully and thoroughly will cause an inflammatory reaction to clean out toxic substances; the most important is Western medicine can not resume normal glomerular injury.
IgA nephropathy good treatment methods: 2, Western medicine clinical treatment of patients with IgA nephropathy, there is a way or drawbacks and defects. From the onset of IgA nephropathy is also clear that we, IgA nephropathy is a continuous process of renal fibrosis. To achieve the right of IgA nephropathy and effective treatment, it needs to be addressed on kidney fibrosis, by using a treatment of renal fibrosis process will be checked, to prevent its advance towards an irreversible direction. In particular, for the treatment of IgA nephropathy, early detection and early treatment for better post-treatment.


Repeated reason IgA nephropathy

Many patients with IgA nephropathy After treatment, the disease has been brought under control, though, but not necessarily healed, so some patients will continue unbridled same as the original work and life. This will lead to the disease repeatedly, leading to more severe kidney disease occurs, then repeated the reasons for IgA nephropathy cause are what it?
1, repeated the reasons IgA nephropathy - treatment is not complete
IgA nephropathy is repeated reason in the treatment of patients with IgA nephropathy and no real thorough treatment from pathology, so it makes a lot of kidney patients in the treatment process, some fake phenomenon was blindfolded, and many of the hospital or the treatment of IgA nephritis treatments to patients during treatment, only symptomatic treatment is the use of a number of effects that occur when is very significant, for example, negative urine protein, red blood cells decreased, creatinine declined so these phenomena, many of IgA nephritis patients will think they've got the cure of the disease, in fact, in fact not the case.
2, repeated the reasons IgA nephropathy - day care is not in place

Some IgA nephritis patients in the hospital for treatment, it tends to work together with the doctor's treatment, the effect of rehabilitation is very fast, but later discharged, because they do not add any maintenance, overwork, diet with unreasonable, still also make IgA nephropathy treatment subject to a certain extent, this is also the cause of repeated anti-IgA nephropathy in, so that after suffering from IgA nephritis in the treatment must be done with caution protection, scientific treatment principle.


IgA nephritis diagnostic methods

Causes, symptoms and treatments, I think we want to know IgA nephritis, but ignored the diagnosis IgA nephritis, as long as doctors say they are suffering from IgA nephritis, himself also admitted that, in fact, many are not a regular hospital diagnostic measures still pending increased misdiagnosis will give patients greater harm, then diagnosis IgA nephritis have what it?
Experts say: IgA nephritis pathological diagnosis of the disease, having the same pathological features of primary glomerulonephritis disease. Thus, IgA nephropathy is not an independent disease, but a group with the same type of pathological features of renal disease. Become a reliable indicator of renal biopsy diagnosis of IgA nephropathy. But in addition, IgA nephritis patients in clinical also exhibit some of the same symptoms. Therefore, the exact diagnosis problem IgA nephritis, need to be at the same time from the clinical symptoms of IgA nephritis and pathological perspective of IgA nephritis patients, combined with each other in order to obtain a more effective diagnostic method for IgA nephritis. The following, as we set out several diagnostic IgA nephritis by:
Arising in upper respiratory tract infections hematuria or microscopic hematuria or asymptomatic proteinuria (especially young men).
Second, with the exception of acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, non-IgA mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, thin basement membrane nephropathy, lupus nephritis, purpura nephritis, cirrhosis and alcoholic liver disease and kidney damage.
Third, as glomerular hematuria (abnormal red blood cells mainly), proteinuria is high, molecular or mixed proteinuria, serum IgA may rise.
Fourth, the biopsy. Immune pathology can be seen mesangial area based granular IgA immunofluorescence.
Experts pointed out: IgA nephritis is a recurrent gross or microscopic hematuria, glomerular mesangial cell proliferation, matrix increase, with extensive deposits of IgA characteristics of primary glomerular disease. Also known as IgA-IgG mesangial deposits of IgA mesangial glomerulonephritis and nephritis. IgA nephropathy also be interpreted as renal biopsy immunofluorescence glomerular mesangial a large granular IgA deposition is characterized by primary glomerular disease.
