
How to Treat iga nephropathy

Many people with iga nephropathy patients want to know how the treatment of iga nephropathy, then, iga nephropathy treatment is how? Here we come with the related kidney disease experts together to understand it! I hope to help the patient friends .

Experts said, iga nephropathy is the most common, and most important reason is that the incidence of pathological mucosal immune dysfunction glomerular. iga nephropathy how effective treatment? Because mucosal immune dysfunction patient, resulting in a large number of iga deposition in glomerular mesangial area. On the other hand, iga nephropathy glycosylation than normal patients themselves in their blood contains a lot less, resulting in glycosylation and iga substance is not binding, will lead to a large number of iga deposition. Deposited iga mesangial area of ​​renal intrinsic cells are damaged so that, where kidney inherent cell damage to mesangial cell injury has become an important factor in starting the process of renal fibrosis.

iga nephropathy how to treat it? kidney hospital authority of "kidney disease characteristics of therapy," emphasized the four diagnostic parameters, diagnosis and treatment, the use of rousing, blood circulation, dredge the meridians, detoxification Xiezhuo, disease outside the government and so on, two-way regulation of the immune status to restore effective renal circulation, antagonistic medicine side effects, so as to improve the clinical symptoms of kidney disease, reduce glomerular inflammation, relieve or clear urine abnormalities (proteinuria or hematuria), improving residual renal function, and delay progression of renal failure purposes. There is no means of Chinese and Western medicine are, and some just basic concepts and theories of Chinese and Western medicine discrete.

Through the above description of how we treat iga nephropathy are clear now! If you have any questions about the above, you can always consult the online experts understand. If you want to know more, you can click online experts, leave your contact telephone number, experts will contact you to help you solve the problem!


