
What iga nephropathy eat a good diet

Had kidney disease, diet is also very important. Here we tell you about what iga nephropathy diet eat better? Hopefully we'll be able to give the majority of the patients has brought some help! If you have any questions, please consult long-City Network Health Channel.

iga nephropathy diet eat what is good, experts say so.

When IgA nephropathy in the acute stage, depending on the clinical manifestations, differentiation of traditional therapy can be divided into wind-heat toxin lung and stomach dampness, Firelight flaming, damp stomach, bladder damp heat type, in which the wind-heat toxin lung and stomach dampness type the most common. Wind-heat toxin lung and stomach dampness acute exacerbation of IgA nephropathy, showing fever, slightly bad cold, headache, cough, sore throat, urine redness or microscopic hematuria, red tongue tip, thin white or thin yellow, pulse floating like. We should adopt the evacuation of wind-heat, detoxification Liyan, cooling blood to stop bleeding and other rule is, the following diet to restore party, for appropriate use.

Yinhua, reed rhizome, thistle each 30g, forsythia, habitat 15g, Nepeta, Campanulaceae 10g, Semen, raw licorice 6g, seven powder 2g, red bean, rice each 60g, sugar amount. In the first nine flavor decoction juice, into the red bean, rice boiled thin thick porridge, plus 37 flour, sugar, seasoning boil. One day, divided into 2 doses.

Firelight flaming treatment acute exacerbation of IgA nephropathy diet to restore party

Firelight flaming acute exacerbation of IgA nephropathy, mind vexed hot, mouth sores, redness or microscopic hematuria in urine, red tongue, thin yellow fur, rapid pulse and so on. Should adopt pure heart Chufan, cooling hemostatic rule is, the following diet to restore only selected as appropriate.

Thistle 30g, habitat 20g, rhizome 15g, bamboo 12g, fried gardenia, green hay each 10g, rice 100g, sugar amount. The first six taste decoction juice, into the rice cook thin thick porridge, add sugar seasoning. One day, divided into 2 doses.

iga nephropathy diet eat what good has it? You know? Besides expert advice, with the problem but also to promptly resolve is the key. If you have any questions, please consult long-City Network Health Channel.


