
Experts iga nephropathy can be cured it

For iga nephropathy everyone know? Many people suffer from this disease are very worried, afraid of this disease is not treated in time will cause great harm. So, suffering iga nephropathy can be cured? Here, we introduce with kidney specialists to learn it together!

About iga nephropathy can not be cured, experts said: iga nephropathy lesions degree of difference is large, early lesions are mild, were focal, only a few have mild glomerular mesangial broadening and stage hyperplasia, focal hyperplasia changes may develop focal sclerosis. Some of the more obvious lesions may diffuse mesangial proliferation, crescent formation and occasionally may have. The most prominent feature is Immunofluorescence showed mesangial area lgA deposition, and at the same time and have fewer C3, lgG and IgM, and electron microscopy confirmed mesangial electron dense deposits.

The early stages of the inflammatory response as long as the system standard treatment can be cured, if the treatment is purely symptomatic treatment, which is a simple elimination of hematuria or proteinuria, in withdrawal symptoms bound to bounce back again, because the traditional Western medicine can only characterize disease treatment, which is a temporary solution, but there are many side effects, patients with long-term use will produce dependence, gradually damage inherent in kidney cells, is not conducive to long-term health of the kidneys.

Therefore, IgA nephropathy can cure it? Key to treatment is to block inflammation of the root causes of renal fibrosis, renal fibrosis pathological damage repair inflammatory response, blocking plus repair, as long as the repair in place, the symptoms will naturally disappearance will fundamentally cure iga nephropathy, and will not recur, so that iga nephropathy can be cured.


