
What are the complications of IgA nephritis

IgA nephritis complications you understand? IgA nephritis is now a common disease, but a lot of people on the is not very understanding. Next, please with doubt follow the experts in detail to find out.
Complications of IgA nephritis mainly have the following points:
1, some patients in addition to gross hematuria, can also be accompanied by acute nephritis syndrome performance, such as a transient hypertension.
2, IGA nephritis patients with gross hematuria, urine red blood cells can disappear, but also can be converted into persistent microscopic hematuria. If the red blood cells in the urine to the main deformation, it is suggested that the glomerular hematuria, and sometimes can be mixed hematuria.
3, naked eye hematuria has the characteristics of repeated attacks, the duration of each attack with the increase in the number of attacks and the extension.
4, naked eye hematuria disappeared after about sixty percent of the patients in the respiratory tract infection induced nephropathy relapse and for recurrent tonsillitis to tonsil enucleation.
5, very few patients will appear in acute renal failure syndrome, but after the correct positive symptomatic treatment will ease, otherwise it will threaten the patient's life.
6, naked eye hematuria attack can be accompanied by a slight body discomfort symptoms: such as low heat, body discomfort and muscle pain, etc.. Some patients may have severe abdominal pain and low back pain, which may be related to intestinal IgA vasculitis.
Above is really the introduction of the complications of IgA nephritis, after you have seen it, if you have any questions please feel free to consult our online experts, you will have more understanding.


