
How can effectively eliminate IgA nephropathy

Iga nephropathy how to effectively eliminate? Experts point out that everyone should understand once kidney health problems it is difficult to recover, so in order to successfully restore health to go through a very long process for IgA nephropathy patients. In this process, patients with IgA nephropathy can be positive through their own efforts to shorten the course, reduce the extent of the damage kidneys healthy.

1, reasonable arrangements for food

It is important to note that the daily needs of the patient, the patient should be reasonable arrangements for their own nutrition intake, for IgA nephropathy patients in the diet as much as possible to taste should be light, avoid alcohol and spicy food, kidney dysfunction occurs when need to control the use of the rice protein absorption, with eggs, milk, meat and other animal protein is the main and essential amino acids oral agents to avoid poor nutrition.

2, to maintain adequate sleep and rest

Patients should pay attention to avoid some of the adverse factors on their own interference the rest, to make himself a speedy recovery, patients should maintain adequate sleep and rest. Sleep in bed, we have more blood flow back to the kidneys, help restore IgA nephropathy. Adult day to ensure 7-8 hours of sleep. Sleep environment should be quiet, warm feet before going to bed can be used to help sleep.

3, enhance understanding of IgA nephropathy

Strengthen their own understanding of the illness can be more effective adjuvant treatment to achieve the best results, so patients should deepen understanding of IgA nephropathy, and therefore determine the condition and treatment are not the same, and medications may be longer.

By actively applying these measures to experts, it is believed IgA nephropathy patients can recover faster and better health. Among normal life, IgA nephropathy patients also active, through appropriate exercise to enhance physical fitness, speed up their recovery process.


