
What iga nephropathy type is

Iga nephropathy everyone understand it? A lot of people appear iga nephropathy, are very worried, because of this disease caused by damage to the people is very large, so understanding iga nephropathy is our greatest concern, then, iga nephropathy typing what has it ? We look at the following description it! I hope to help the patient friends.

? What has it iga nephropathy typing experts as follows:

1, children episodic gross hematuria: often seen in a variety of respiratory tract infection after 1-3d after gross hematuria, it is also called pharyngitis synchronous hematuria, this point and common sense after acute nephritis different chain. Urinary red blood cell morphology to the main deformation, suggesting glomerular hematuria. I have seen the hospital in addition to gross hematuria, but some cases accompanied by the waist and (or) abdominal pain, often misdiagnosed as urinary stones, acute abdomen (appendicitis) and the like. Such pain may be related to the ureter or lower gastrointestinal mucosa inflammatory lesions of small arteries, it is a systemic vasculitis disease manifestations.

2, children nephritic syndrome: This type of performance for microscopic hematuria with / without asymptomatic mild edema, often misdiagnosed as flu after chain glomerulonephritis, common in the urine screening examination found and confirmed by biopsy .

3, children with nephrotic syndrome: an individual or part of the case with hypertension, hematuria. As histopathological glomerular sclerosis and renal vascular sclerosis poor prognosis. Shanghai Children's Hospital has reported 20 cases IgAGN, which manifested as nephrotic accounted for 9 cases (47%), showing that this type of children IgAGN in a certain proportion.

4, children rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis: continuous gross hematuria, proteinuria associated with heart, brain involvement, renal abrupt deterioration in the short term, there is extensive biopsy (50% -100%) in the form of glomerular crescents. Severe hematuria can occur due to acute tubular renal tubular hemoglobin toxicity and obstruction tubular necrosis.

5, simple proteinuria: proteinuria as the first symptom in pediatric majority showed mild or moderate.

Through the above iga nephropathy introduce you to type what all clear now! If you have any questions about the above, you can always consult the online experts understand. If you want to know more, you can click online experts, leave your contact telephone number, experts will contact you to help you solve the problem!


