
An introduction to the symptoms of IgA nephropathy

For IgA nephropathy symptoms you know how many people are not very clear, if you are interested in the symptoms of IgA nephropathy, you will ask you to follow the experts together to learn more about it.
IgA nephropathy is a group of chronic glomerular diseases with the same immunological and pathological characteristics. Clinically, about 40% to 45% of the patients showed gross or microscopic hematuria, 40% ~ 35% of the patients showed microscopic hematuria with proteinuria, and the rest showed nephrotic syndrome and renal failure. Some patients with elevated serum IgA, especially serum IgA fibronectin (IgA-FN) was more significant. Creatinine clearance rate decreased, blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine increased. According to the clinical diagnosis of IgA nephropathy (inflammation), diagnosis must be done in renal biopsy.
The symptom of IgA nephropathy is mainly manifested in four aspects:
1 episodes of gross hematuria;
2 mild proteinuria, mostly 1g/24 hours;
3 high blood pressure;
4 other manifestations such as uremia may have clinical manifestations of uremia.

Above is the introduction of the symptoms of IgA nephropathy, after you have a clear understanding of it, if you have any questions about this question you are welcome to consult with our online experts at any time.


