
Will IgA kidney disease can be transmitted?

IgA nephropathy is contagious?? this is a lot of people want to know, because IgA nephropathy is now common disease, but a lot of people this and don't know enough about the. Next, let we together to look at the experts is how to introduce it.
IgA nephropathy can be infected? In fact, the vast majority of kidney disease is not contagious, IgA nephropathy is IgA nephropathy is a set of multiple causes of chronic glomerular disease with the same characteristics of the immune. Clinically, about 40%-45% of the patients showed gross or microscopic hematuria, 35%-40% patients showed microscopic hematuria with proteinuria, and the rest showed nephrotic syndrome and renal failure.
IgA nephropathy in general there are two types of performance, the first category is acute naked eye hematuria, acute onset of gross hematuria for the onset of signs, and before this, often do not have a history of abnormal urine examination. More common in children, the naked eye hematuria found in upper respiratory tract infection (common cold) occurs, a small number of patients in the digestive tract infection after onset, time intervals for 24 to 48 hours, naked eye disease sustainable hours or days, a minority of patients in addition to gross hematuria and some other similar to acute nephritis as had hypertension and serum creatinine increased, but usually can be recovered after treatment. Such patients at the time of the first gross hematuria, often marks the beginning of the disease, the patient may have varying degrees of proteinuria and (or) microscopic hematuria. After the naked eye hematuria disappeared. About 60% of the patients will appear again, and the recurrence occurs more than later in the respiratory tract infection.
Second for asymptomatic urinary abnormalities, persistent or intermittent hematuria, mild proteinuria, occasional tube type. Often found in physical examination and (or) hematuria, before this, proteinuria and (or) how long it is difficult to determine the presence of hematuria. IgA nephropathy infection, with the progress of the patient can be a large number of patients with proteinuria (more than 3.5 grams per day) and severe hypertension and chronic renal failure.
Also in IgA nephropathy patients should pay attention to the cold damp proof, pay attention to self health care, reduce or prevent a variety of predisposing disease activity stimulating factors, together with a number of conservation treatments, stable disease, delay the development process and can still be achieved. In addition, it is important to emphasize, eager to seek help, Remedise medicine, is often counterproductive, but the damage to kidney, remember.
IgA nephropathy will be contagious? After reading the full text of the introduction you this clear?, if you for this problem there is any doubt welcome you at any time and our online experts for consultation, you will have more harvest.


