
iga nephropathy patients to proper diet

iga nephropathy is a common form of kidney disease, can occur in some patients with severe hypertension or renal insufficiency. This shows the severity of iga nephropathy. Experts point out that the daily diet reasonable iga nephropathy patients to be able to promote the rehabilitation of patients, it plays a very important role, a reasonable diet can reduce the body's metabolic waste retention, reduce the burden on the kidneys, and can slow the occurrence of renal dysfunction and A further deterioration of the kidney disease.

iga nephropathy patient's diet misunderstanding - one non-vegetarian protein

iga chronic nephritis, renal failure patients because of decreased renal metabolism, iga chronic renal failure patients should emphasize low-volume high-protein diet. Some patients believe that non-vegetarian protein, so long-term vegetarian. In fact, this is a misunderstanding of food protein. Acute and chronic nephritis therapist, a kidney hospital director Li Qinghua introduced six wards, food protein from both plant and animal proteins, although the content of most plant proteins lower animal protein, but the protein content of daily staple food such as rice, flour 8% -9%, the protein content of beans and soy products up to 20%, due to less vegetable protein containing essential amino acids, and high in potassium, and therefore not suitable for chronic renal failure patients. The animal protein containing essential amino acids greater than 50%, so chronic renal failure patients should moderate consumption of containing the essential amino acids with high animal protein. We should not use high protein containing plant beans and soy products.

Diet Mistakes iga nephropathy in patients with two - starvation diet can protect renal function

Because chronic iga nephritis patients diet overemphasis, and the patient's misunderstanding of animal protein in clinical practice, so that some patients take the "starvation diet." Since the staple food and animal protein too limited, patients are often malnourished, with a "starvation diet", more emphasis malnutrition, resulting in decreased body resistance and hypoproteinemia, anemia, and easy to infection, worse, cause renal failure. Therefore, the "starvation diet" can not protect renal function, iga chronic nephritis patients must not "defy"

Diet Mistakes iga nephropathy in patients with three - drink "bone soup" can calcium and physical

iga chronic nephritis patients weak constitutions, and most patients with calcium and phosphorus metabolism, manifested as hyperphosphatemia hypocalcemia. Because patients with gastrointestinal function affected and hyperparathyroidism, reducing the absorption of calcium in the intestines, nephritis patients usually low calcium. Meanwhile, the phosphorus discharge reduction, and endocrine disorders, and therefore there is a high phosphorus status of the patient. Bone soup contains more phosphorus, drink soup bones ingested a large amount of phosphorus, resulting in the accumulation of phosphorus in the body, increased hyperphosphatemia. Therefore, drink soup bones, calcium deficiency can not only improve, but also due to the elevated serum phosphorus can aggravate renal damage.

Diet Mistakes iga nephropathy in patients with four - no salt or rock salt substitutes autumn

Because we all know that salt is directly related to edema, so many iga chronic nephritis patients salt special attention, not even salt, resulting in hyponatremia, low serum chloride, muscle cramps, low blood pressure, low blood volume, orthostatic hypotension. Shijiazhuang kidney hospital director, said Zhang Lu, salt restriction hypertension, edema, oliguria of chronic nephritis, kidney failure patients is necessary, but it does not mean no salt salt restriction, unless required to strictly limit salt degree of edema or water restrictions, general We should take low-salt diet. Therefore, chronic nephritis patients salt intake, as the case may be, by a doctor, excessive fear of salt is not necessary, some patients with autumn stone instead of salt is not desirable. Autumn light autumn stone stone points and the main component of salty stone autumn, autumn light stone is among white and salt, also employing the white, autumn dew and processed into gypsum, the main ingredient salty autumn stone such as salt, so use Qiushi instead of salt is no scientific reason.

iga nephropathy patients should how reasonable diet, vegetarian night containing proteins, can not eat, hungry might malnutrition, there may be anemia, or cause stomach illness, drink soup bones, not only will not have any benefits, but also will aggravate renal damage, so be sure to pay attention to, as long as the control of salt intake on the line, but not does not mean that can not be ingested, do not salt but poor health.


