
IGA nephropathy patients appropriate to add protein

Experts point out that for Iga nephropathy, the focus on the patient's diet can often bring good results, some of the patient's condition can also relieve itself. Of course, proper treatment is essential. In the diet, the patient can not add too much protein, or can increase the burden of kidney patients.

IGA nephropathy patients need protein, but can not add too much. IgA nephritis patients should eat "high quality" protein. He said the purpose is to reduce the intake of low-quality protein increased risk of kidney burden, but also complement the body's nutritional needs for protein. Generally considered: the high protein content of soybeans and beans, on the other hand because of its protein is a plant protein, low-quality protein, essential amino acids contained less protein, IgA nephritis patients with excessive intake, will increase nitrogen Quality hyperlipidemia, thereby increasing the patient's condition IgA nephritis. IgA nephritis patients selection of supplementary protein foods such as lean meat, fish, animal, chicken and so on.

Experts advise patients need to note that we can not without protein supplement for patients. Some people think: after entering IgA nephritis kidney failure, kidney detoxification capacity declined significantly, more leakage of protein, then eat protein will only increase the burden on the kidneys, this idea is not scientific. IgA nephritis development even during the worst - uremia, still advocates eating high-quality low-protein diet, which is not less than 20 grams of protein per day for adults.

Experts say, Thus, IGA nephropathy patient's diet is a more important aspect, we must pay attention to the good, in the usual patients should try to add some high quality protein, but can not add too much, so as not to increase the burden on the kidneys of patients, according to the patients needs timely adjustment of the number of disease protein intake.


