
iga nephropathy daily life Notes

What iga nephropathy patients' daily life should pay attention to it? IgA nephropathy is mainly due to the aggravation because respiratory infections. In addition to the main reason, as well as induce IgA nephropathy reason, we hope that through our presentation, allowing you to better understand, better get rid of kidney disease problems.

IgA nephropathy induced specific aggravating factors are the following four:

(1) appropriate exercise can also induce IgA nephropathy aggravating factors weakened. IgA nephropathy should be moderate exercise, living with restraint, to prevent late at night, fatigue, strenuous exercise may cause physical decline.

(2) promotion of low-fat protein diet, limiting polyphosphate food, excessive intake of protein; ban spicy thick greasy goods. Patients can not see their condition has improved on the uncontrollable mouth, forget the doctor told the low-fat diet. Manage and mouth can be prevented IgA nephropathy worse.

(3) actively eliminate susceptibility and predisposing factors, as the respiratory tract, skin, intestine, urinary tract infections, cure boils, fungal infections, children are advised to timely prepuce circumcision. Thus preventing a variety of predisposing factors are common considerations prevent aggravation of IgA nephropathy.

Currently a better method of treating kidney patients is white finger fungus fungus treatment technology, white finger fungus fungus cure kidney disease treatment technology, coupled with the establishment of the foundation Yishenkang capsule inherent in the biological properties of some pharmacological white finger inherent bacteria Kidney advanced therapy on white finger fungus is a major component Yishenkang capsules for the treatment of kidney disease has played a certain role. After years of repeated clinical validation, the effect was particularly evident for renal cysts, the total efficiency of up to 97.2%, which also indicates that China nephritis, uremia treatment of difficult status quo will be changed, so that many patients see a cure for kidney cyst dawn.

White rake through therapy in the treatment of kidney disease bacteria strains able to repair the damaged kidney tissues, the lifting of the traditional treatment of renal cyst puncture and drainage, decompression and removal of kidney pain, kidney disease and permanently break the restricted area, the country's thousands of patients verification, regardless of duration of disease, can achieve the purpose of effective treatment.


