
IgA nephritis patients how to self-care

IgA nephritis patients in addition to regular symptomatic treatment of the disease contribute to the rehabilitation of patients with IgA nephritis addition, self-praise in everyday life rehabilitation measures of the disease IgA nephritis patients also have a role.

Nephropathy is a chronic disease, so in IgA nephritis nephrotic syndrome, the role of doctors and drugs can not be comprehensive, patient and family in all aspects of their daily life attention and attention is the most important part of the foundation. So as kidney patients at home should do self-care? There is no good way? Here are just a few methods and precautions regarding self-care in patients with IgA nephritis, IgA nephritis patients and their families should be carefully observed, accelerate the speed of recovery .

First, understand the relevant knowledge IgA nephritis

Because IgA nephritis clinical manifestations, histological type varies, so the diagnosis and treatment are not the same, and treatment may be longer. Some patients require renal biopsy to confirm the diagnosis, treatment and determine disease progression, patients are subject to a basic understanding of the relevant knowledge, they can cut the blind fear and strengthen cooperation with the doctor.

Second, adequate rest and proper exercise

IgA nephritis patients to ensure adequate sleep. Sleep in bed, have more blood flow back to the kidneys, it is conducive to the recovery of IgA nephritis. Adult day to ensure 7-8 hours of sleep. Sleep environment should be quiet, warm feet before going to bed can be used to help sleep. Do not drink coffee before bedtime drink tea, do not eat food, otherwise impede sleep. Moderate exercise work. For mild or relatively stable condition of the patients, should be encouraged to participate in whatever work and moderate exercise. Such as walking, exercise, tai chi is a good choice. However, it notes that the work and exercise to follow step by step, easy to moderate, reasonable time principle, avoid over exertion and strenuous exercise.

Three, IgA nephritis patients to adjust your diet

IgA nephritis patients with chronic taste should be light, avoid alcohol and spicy food, there need to limit renal impairment dietary protein intake, with eggs, milk, meat and other animal-based protein, essential amino acids and the oral agent to prevent malnutrition .

These are IgA nephritis patients in self-care treatment beyond measures proposed in order to improve the therapeutic effect of IgA nephritis, IgA nephritis patients expect strict compliance with routine health interventions.


