
Emphasis on diagnosis and treatment of IgA nephropathy

1, a typical case

Wang college senior this year, he is busy writing his thesis, he is busy looking for work, people are very tired, cold also will be hit by your doctor Wang to drink more water, pay attention to rest. Did not expect the next day, urinate into "wash the meat water" color, there are a lot of foam, not very long scattered, but the body has no other discomfort. Under the urging of his family, Wang went to the kidney specialist clinics, urine examination revealed a large number of red blood cells and proteins, kidney specialist initial judgment that he may be suffering from IgA nephropathy, requiring hospitalization for treatment.

After the hospital, the doctor said to do renal biopsy examination, Amy hesitated, thinking not that a little cold caused it? How can so serious. May be the same ward Zhang looked very sad to tell him that he was three years ago examination found in the urine protein and red blood cells, then did not pay attention, a week ago he was diagnosed with IgA nephropathy, due to the lack of early diagnosis, aggressive treatment and follow-up , it is now uremia, ongoing dialysis. Wang brake to hear white complexion, and hurried to find a doctor for diagnosis as soon as possible. Three days later, after renal biopsy examination, Wang suffering from IgA nephropathy.

2. What is IgA nephropathy?

IgA nephropathy stands for immunoglobulin A nephropathy, is an immunoglobulin A deposition in the kidney caused by glomerulonephritis, also called Berger's disease, is the glomerular hematuria and young people the most common chronic renal failure It causes. IgA nephropathy patients had 10% to 30% were chronic progress, 15 to 20 years after the development of end-stage renal failure.

3, what circumstances may be suffering from IgA nephropathy tips?

Young people appear to change the color of urine, urine and difficult to disperse the foam increased, hypertension, edema of the eyelids and lower extremities, lower back pain, unexplained renal insufficiency, especially occurs in the upper respiratory tract or gastrointestinal infection, we need a high degree of suspicion IgA nephropathy, kidney specialist should go to hospital to be checked.

By renal biopsy pathology immunization is the only way to confirm the diagnosis of IgA nephropathy, and to guide treatment and prognosis of great value.

4, IgA nephropathy inherited?

There are "familial IgA nephropathy" argument. Family members of patients urine tests should be carried out regularly, suspicious members underwent renal biopsy examination should confirm the diagnosis with a view to early detection and early treatment.

5. female patients with IgA nephropathy may be pregnant?

Most women IgA nephropathy patients can tolerate pregnancy, but requires active treatment before pregnancy, control of the disease, during pregnancy should actively observe and follow-up blood pressure, urine, and 24-hour urinary protein, kidney function and so on. If patients with persistant severe hypertension, glomerular filtration rate <60ml / min, by renal biopsy show with severe renal vascular or interstitial disease, you should not pregnancy.

6, how to treat IgA nephropathy?

Individualized treatment should be taken in accordance with IgA nephropathy patients with different clinical manifestations and pathological type.

(1) pay attention to rest, prevention of infection, disable nephrotoxic drugs.

(2) protein intake should be controlled at 0.8 per kilogram body weight per day to 1.0 grams, in order to reduce the burden on the kidneys.

(3) recurrent gross hematuria feasible tonsillectomy patients with IgA nephropathy.

(4) urine protein should be controlled to 0.3 g / 24 hours or less.

(5) positive control of hypertension.

(6) of the patients required corticosteroids, cytotoxic drugs or immunosuppressants.

(7) fish oil has anti-oxidant effect on the IgA nephropathy patients have some benefits.

(8) regular follow-up blood pressure, urine, urine protein, renal function and kidney B ultrasound.

7. What are the circumstances indicate poor prognosis patients with IgA nephropathy?

In general, male patients, onset older, have persistent proteinuria, renal insufficiency, in patients with sustained hypertension, hyperuricemia, the condition may progress rapidly, the need for active intervention; by renal biopsy show glomerular sclerosis, renal interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy, suggesting poor prognosis.


