
Factors affecting the prognosis of patients with iga nephropathy have?

Treatment of kidney disease but we do not do preventive work at the time of a back-up means, for kidney disease, active prevention is essential, do not wait to suffer from kidney disease when it is regret, then it was too late.

Iga nephropathy and prognosis factors are:

(1) male patients, the onset of older poor prognosis.

(2) Some people think that simple or repeated hematuria patients, mostly benign process. Most scholars believe that persistent proteinuria with microscopic hematuria poor prognosis.

(3) proteinuria or nephrotic syndrome on the prognosis of mixed views. Most scholars believe that, in severe proteinuria often prompts will eventually develop renal insufficiency, the prognosis is poor. But our information on, iga nephropathy patients presenting with nephrotic syndrome, renal pathological changes if slight, glucocorticoid treatment response is good, then the prognosis is good.

(4) have high blood pressure, iga nephropathy in patients with severe high blood pressure is difficult to control, especially poor prognosis, may cause rapid kidney function decline. However, most patients with renal dysfunction speed inconsistent.

(5) The great impact on the prognosis of pathological changes. Serious proliferation, glomerular sclerosis, crescent formation, capillary wall damage, interstitial fibrosis and vascular damage to iga nephropathy indication of poor prognosis. iga deposition site and the prognosis is related to the glomerular capillary walls iga deposition person, than a simple iga mesangial deposition by heavy pathology and poor prognosis. With fibronectin (FN) is deposited by a poor prognosis.

iga nephropathy incidence in our country iga nephropathy is an immune pathology diagnosis name, it is not accompanied by a group of systemic diseases, immune pathology biopsy in glomerular mesangial area with iga-based granular deposition, clinical on with hematuria glomerular nephritis.

Iga-related factors affecting prognosis of patients with kidney disease have? As the saying goes, no amount of wealth not as a healthy body, we can see the importance of people to health, disease prevention has become a top priority, actively carry disease Although prevention efforts can not avoid the occurrence of the disease, but it can effectively reduce the incidence of the disease. Kidney disease experts advise: iga nephropathy patients prognosis is particularly important, if you have questions about iga nephropathy, it can click on the online consulting experts, authoritative experts will give you a detailed explanation!


