
Seven principles of treatment of IgA nephropathy

Kidney harm to people, so that people caused psychological shadow can be for IgA nephropathy, a lot of people are not familiar with its symptoms, treatment methods. Let their condition leads to delays, so that deterioration affects health. The following are some of the principles of treatment of IgA nephropathy.

Seven principles of treatment of IgA nephropathy:

The latter, of hematuria and proteinuria in patients with simple mirror of carrying out an effective treatment, requiring regular follow-up, in order to prevent disease progression, in order to facilitate long-term stable condition.

Second, the urine protein> 1g / 24h with or without microscopic hematuria: recommended ACEI and / or ARB drugs.

Third, the performance in the nephrotic syndrome and light microscopy revealed mild glomerular lesions in patients with minimal change IgA nephritis should be given hormone therapy; and IgA nephritis patients do not respond well to hormone without significant damage or glomerular structure nephrotic syndrome Evidence supports the extension of hormone use time.

Fourth, repeated episodes of gross hematuria: the elimination of hematuria.

Fifth, tonsillectomy surgery may prevent the onset of gross hematuria helpful in the short term, but most experts believe that for long-term kidney disease renal protection useless.

Six of IgA nephropathy renal failure require biopsy to differentiate acute tubular necrosis and crescent shape IgA nephropathy, the former only supportive treatment, the latter need cyclophosphamide and hormone therapy, treatment options and vasculitis similar.

Seven control proteinuria and hematuria for urinary protein <1g / 24h and (or) in patients with microscopic hematuria.

Tips: For the treatment of IgA nephropathy, patients according to the specific circumstances of the patient, to take appropriate treatment measures, in clear diagnosis before treatment is best, and to consult a physician hospital-associated nephropathy, so a patient can recover soon.


