
iga nephropathy proteinuria associated with it can be cured

iga nephropathy associated with proteinuria can be cured? proteinuria is a sign of kidney damage, long-term repeated urinary protein will further aggravate kidney damage, for iga nephropathy patients, if the lack of effective treatment, may develop into kidney failure and even uremia disease stage. So for iga nephropathy there is no good treatment for it, how to do it?

There are a variety of kidney disease, in addition to nephritis, kidney failure, kidney, etc., there is something called iga nephropathy, although the disease is not very common, but it is a great harm people, so, once suffering iga nephropathy, You need to go to hospital for treatment, so as not to aggravate, here we come to see.

1, the general treatment

Immunoglobulin iga nephropathy patients with no edema, hypertension, hematuria and proteinuria is not serious, no renal insufficiency, can live, and even engaged in light work, but to prevent respiratory tract infection, avoid over exertion, is not used for kidney side effects or toxicity of the drug. If there are obvious such as hypertension, renal insufficiency, edema, or short-term bed rest, restriction of salt intake. For more protein lost in the urine, renal function can still were advised to supplement biological value of animal protein, such as milk, eggs, lean meat and fish, pre-existing renal dysfunction, and should be appropriate to limit protein, necessary When appropriate oral essential amino acids.

2, hormones, immunosuppressants

For the treatment of iga nephropathy have a certain effect, but because of the repeated and strong side effects, more and more people refuse to accept this approach.

3, Western medicine treatment

Treatment Western medicine in the treatment of iga nephropathy is a long-term use has serious side effects, and withdrawal easy to repeated attacks. But it is still a lot of people using this method, patients using this method of treatment, patients treated with this method, after a period of time, kidney damage, atrophy, and eventually developed renal failure uremia, can only rely on dialysis to sustain life, but also the cost of treatment is very high.

There are significant regional differences in the prognosis of IgA nephropathy, while closely related to the clinical and pathological changes. Most of the slow progress of the disease. IgA nephropathy and prognosis factors are: 1, male patients, onset older poor prognosis. 2, persistent proteinuria with microscopic hematuria recurrent hematuria relatively poor prognosis 3, moderate to severe proteinuria often prompted severe glomerular lesions will eventually develop renal insufficiency, the prognosis is poor. 4, hypertension particularly difficult to control hypertension renal damage prompted heavy, poor prognosis, rapid decline in renal function. However, most patients with renal dysfunction speed inconsistent. 5, pathology big impact on the prognosis. Serious proliferation, glomerular sclerosis, crescent formation, capillary wall damage, interstitial fibrosis and vascular damage as IgA nephropathy indication of poor prognosis.

For IGA nephropathy, proteinuria after, how to deal with? Read the above description, we should now be clear now, in fact, as long as we do prevention work in everyday life, not the disease occurrence, as is the most a good way.


