
How iga nephropathy diagnosis and treatment

How iga nephropathy diagnosis and treatment? iga nephropathy than the terrible dangers of the disease, and the threat of the disease to patients, there are many. Some patients do not think the hospital for regular treatment, which can easily lead to the deterioration of iga nephropathy disease, so patients in pain. So, iga nephropathy diagnosis and how it? Let's look at the introduction of a kidney specialist.

How iga nephropathy diagnosis and treatment of the following?:

Vasodilators: Because iga nephropathy - stimulation of immune complexes cause kidney mesangial capillary cell ischemia and hypoxia, vasodilators purpose is to improve renal blood circulation, relieve renal ischemia and hypoxia inherent in each cell for the next line membrane cell repair to provide a good environment.

Anti-inflammatory: the reason is relatively simple, is to reduce the infiltration of inflammatory cells, reduce re-injury of glomerular mesangial cells.

Anticoagulation: iga nephropathy treatments which increase blood inflammatory cells, blood viscosity will increase to some extent, it has increased glomerular capillary micro thrombosis?. The use of anticoagulant drugs is to stop microthrombi constituted, maintaining blood flow, further lay the foundation for mesangial cell repair.

It will be based on the doctor's experience, based on patients with different causes, given different treatment, treatment of diseases from the source of the disease. Tackling the problem in order to achieve the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine.


