
IgA nephropathy knowledge of hazards!

IgA nephropathy knowledge of hazards!
IgA nephropathy understanding of hazards! Edema and renal hypertension long-term effects on the heart can cause heart failure and pulmonary edema, the patient will be chest tightness, shortness of breath, unable to walk, unable supine phenomenon.

1. heart, lung diseases

Edema and renal hypertension long-term effects on the heart can cause heart failure and pulmonary edema, the patient will be chest tightness, shortness of breath, unable to walk, unable supine phenomenon.

2. Skin igA treatment of kidney disease have?

Uremia patient's skin is dry, pale yellow color and with itching, itching of the reason is unclear, may be related to urea on nerve endings stimulation.

3. skeletal system

Uremia, reduce intestinal absorption of calcium, resulting in hypocalcemia patients. Long-term reduction in calcium can cause bone decalcification general, cramps, osteoporosis, bone pain and other clinical manifestations.


