
Hematuria IgA nephropathy is the most common symptoms

When it comes to the symptoms of IgA nephropathy, won the majority of patients will say, at that time because it was discovered hematuria symptoms, only to the hospital for examination, the results of an inspection turned out to be IgA nephropathy. IgA nephropathy can say hematuria is the most common symptoms.

Episodes of gross hematuria IgA nephropathy is the most common clinical manifestation

This is done to confirm the diagnosis of the most common clinical manifestation of renal biopsy. Generally in the upper respiratory tract infection (tonsillitis), acute gastroenteritis, osteomyelitis, peritonitis, herpes zoster infection, even after vaccination or strenuous exercise almost simultaneously appear. Some call it pharyngitis synchronous hematuria. Gross hematuria continued for several hours to several days, usually less than three days. Sometimes accompanied by mild systemic symptoms, such as muscle pain, dysuria and low back pain, fever. Urinary cell morphology to the main deformation, suggesting glomerular hematuria, but sometimes also saw mixed hematuria. More common in young people. After the onset of gross hematuria, urinary red blood cells can disappear, also to persistent microscopic hematuria. Gross hematuria have recurrent features.

Hematuria IgA nephropathy is the most common symptoms

Microscopic hematuria with / without asymptomatic proteinuria is the main clinical manifestations of IgA nephropathy

Most of the students at the screening examination and joined the army, pre-marital medical examination and other routine health examination revealed. Shenzhen during mass examination, often found that many of the patients in the medical unit of the group, and then out for biopsy diagnosis. For children and young people are the main clinical manifestations of IgA nephropathy.

Most patients with IgA nephropathy showed mild proteinuria

Most patients with IgA nephropathy showed mild proteinuria, 24-hour urine protein excretion <1g. Small number of patients (10% -24%) of proteinuria or nephrotic syndrome. Light microscopy showed more mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, and renal dysfunction, hypertension and other symptoms of anemia with pathological changes of emphasis and increasing tendency.

IgA nephropathy symptoms, although there are many, but the most common is the most typical symptom of hematuria.


