
IgA nephropathy prevention of influenza invasion

gA invasion of kidney patients to prevent influenza, influenza is caused by influenza viruses, influenza IgA nephropathy patients of kidney damage, IgA nephropathy patients with hematuria often occur after influenza, if not controlled in time will lead to sicker, to introduce the following IgA nephropathy prevention of influenza invasion.

Influenza viruses can be a direct violation of kidney tissue, also can be caused by the virus as an antigen immune complex nephritis, IgA disease flu can make kidney disease worse, making it difficult to control, hematuria repeatedly even more serious than before, but also to exacerbate proteinuria , IgA nephropathy patients pay attention to anti-flu also causes kidney dysfunction occurred renal failure, heart failure. IgA nephropathy patients to take anti-influenza should pay attention to in daily life:

Appropriate exercise to enhance physical fitness, increase resistance to disease.

Pay attention to environmental and personal hygiene, to avoid predisposing factors.

Climate change, pay attention to any change clothes, to prevent exposure to cold cold.

During the flu epidemic, can prevent medication: ① Banlangen granules, each package, 3 times a day. ② Folium 15 grams, Radix, Guan Zhong, 30 grams, decoction behalf of the tea. ③10% garlic liquid, 3-5 times daily intranasally, one drop.

In addition, flu epidemic, pay attention to the isolation, the patient should wear masks, avoid going to public events, to prevent cross-infection, vinegar can be used indoor fumigation, air disinfection, prevention of infection, steamed smoked two hours every day or every other day smoked 1 times.

But do not rule out the special circumstances, that not all patients with IgA nephropathy are suitable for these drugs, so pay attention to the anti-influenza IgA nephropathy patients of this one, to be especially careful attention to listen to the doctors asked.


