
IgA nephropathy patients can be pregnant?

Of causes IgA nephropathy more, but in recent years the incidence is relatively high. More patients, especially female patients often ask to:? IgA nephropathy patients may be pregnant under the guidance of a kidney specialist analysis, normal blood pressure, kidney function was normal female kidney patients, the success rate of pregnancy up to 95%. However, the following conditions exist female patients with IgA nephropathy can not be pregnant:

1, secondary renal diseases such as lupus nephritis patients after pregnancy, can induce or aggravate the condition, and should be very careful. Another example is patients with diabetic nephropathy, prone to pregnancy preeclampsia, premature birth, fetal malformation, a huge children and fetal respiratory distress syndrome, it should not be pregnant.

2, nephrotic syndrome due to the low serum albumin, often leading to fetal growth retardation and preterm children.

3, IgA nephropathy its fetal mortality rate is very high.

4, moderate renal insufficiency and in patients with fetal growth retardation high incidence of premature delivery, pregnant women may be progressive renal function deterioration.

Thus, IgA nephropathy can not be pregnant depends on whether IgA nephropathy is above these circumstances, if any, it was suggested to be treated, to be slightly stable condition considering fertility issues.


