
IGA nephropathy patients should pay attention to diet

IGA nephropathy patients should pay attention to diet. We all know that IgA nephropathy is a serious harm to human health disease, continued deterioration will lead to the occurrence of uremia, thereby endangering the lives of patients. Therefore, iga nephropathy patients, treatment without delay. In order to consolidate the therapeutic effect have to do care work, especially diet. Then, suffering from IgA nephropathy how diet? Here is a kidney specialist kidney hospital detailed answer to this problem.

We know that fruit nutritious, containing a lot of vitamins and beauty beauty effect. Therefore, by everyone's favorite fruit, but for kidney disease patients to eat fruit restrictions do? Iga nephropathy what to eat good fruit? In principle IgA nephropathy should eat fresh, regular fruit. But the difference in the patient's clinical symptoms for some fruit, iga nephropathy is unfit.

1.iga kidney disease patients with diabetes: sugar per 100 grams of fruit in less than 10 grams of fruit, including cucumbers, watermelons, oranges. Such fruit per 100 grams can provide 20-40 kcal of energy.

2.iga kidney disease accompanied by edema, hypertensive patients: should avoid salt. So for many fruits contain sodium, for edema patients should not eat. Such as strawberries, fresh longan, litchi fresh 1.7 mg, bananas.

3.iga nephropathy with renal injury: the fruit easy to eat more potassium, eat will increase the damage of renal function. Such as: bananas, tomatoes, hard persimmon, longan, melons, dates, oranges and so on.


