
Chinese medicine how to treat IGA nephropathy

IgA nephropathy is viewed from the perspective of Chinese medicine, the disease belongs to "hematuria" category. TCM therapy in the treatment of IgA nephropathy.

Chinese medicine believes that hematuria produce two reasons: First, burning hot smoked, kidney and bladder vein damage, foreign blood overflow pulse, with the urine out; the second is not solid spleen, blood loss unifying blood infiltration in the bladder, down with the urine.

According to two different clinical testimony IgA nephropathy, Chinese medicine in the treatment of IgA nephropathy treatment are:

1. prolonged course, patients with hematuria falling unhealed, pathogenesis, mostly liver and kidney, virtual fire injury network, party election Zhibai Huang Tang and two to Pill, medicinal Anemarrhena, Cork, habitat, mountain dogwood meat, yam, Dan, Ligustrum lucidum, Eclipta, Ganoderma grass, shepherd's purse flowers. Hematuria obvious, increased the amount of rhizome;

2. blood stasis, plus Motherwort, Salvia; proteinuria bigot, plus Sang cuttlebone, lotus required, Gorgon;

3. For patients with infection gross hematuria or microscopic hematuria, pathogenesis, mostly evil heat outside attack, collateral injury of blood overflow, carrying the appropriate dispersing heat, cooling blood diuretic, party election Wulin San flavored, medicinal red Poria , red peony, gardenia, rhizome, bulbul, honeysuckle, forsythia, licorice root tip and the like;

4. persistent asymptomatic microscopic hematuria in patients with spleen and kidney disease machine is not solid, unifying blood loss, Expelling spleen and kidney, blood hemostasis photo, party election incomparable mountain pills of the CD, medicinal habitat, mountain dogwood meat, yam, Dodder, Cistanche, Eucommia, Schisandra, Agrimony, thistle, madder, Achyranthes and so on;

In short, Chinese medicine in the treatment of IgA nephropathy, should establish confidence, adhere to medication, according to differentiation, flexible elective medicine.


