
Treatment of chronic iga nephropathy

iga nephropathy is now a high probability that the incidence of kidney disease, the disease can be divided into acute and chronic, chronic iga nephropathy is a lot of people are suffering in the symptoms are not obvious, to the treatment to increase a lot of difficulty, the treatment of chronic iga nephropathy, is sure to pay attention to, and only good cure, only symptomatic treatment of the disease can, then, the kind of chronic iga nephropathy good way, the following experts made an introductory look :

Treatment of chronic iga nephropathy, is a patient must pay attention to any of that is sure to symptomatic treatment of chronic iga nephropathy good that way, because iga is a chronic disease, so symptoms are not so Obviously, for the treatment of chronic iga nephropathy, experts pointed out, we must find ways of formal treatment, the treatment will be effective for the chronic iga nephropathy kind of approach is good, Integrative Medicine is now a very desirable seed treatment approach.

Because the disease is relatively common, so the mechanism of pathogenesis is sure to pay attention to the pathogenesis of glomerular mucosal immune dysfunction. Because the mucosal immune dysfunction, a lot of IgA deposition in the mesangial area. Among them, the kidney inherent cell damage in glomerular mesangial cells as an important factor in kidney disease starts to happen.

General formal treatment approach, by blocking renal fibrosis inflammatory response to therapy, integrative medicine is one such way, currently the most, the most advanced biotechnology. Chinese dialectical creatively and cell transplantation technology, opens up another milestone in the history of renal disease.

Through the introduction of the article, I believe many people treat chronic iga nephropathy have a certain understanding, the disease although there is a very complex disease, the current medical devices, there are still many good treatment options to treat the disease, so that patients recover quickly, if you have questions, you can consult our experts.


