
How iga nephropathy edema patient self-care?

1, iga nephropathy edema in patients with bed rest, supine increase renal blood flow and improve glomerular filtration rate, reduce sodium retention, edema patient bed rest and activity alternately, to limit the amount of activity, severe edema bed rest, and raise the limb edema facilitate blood return and reduce edema.

2, iga nephropathy edema patients diet: limit sodium and water and protein intake

(1) water and salt intake, edema urine "1000ml / d, without undue restriction of water, sodium restriction at 3g / d or less, including sodium foods and beverages, such as sausages, bacon, canned food and other serious edema oliguria daily water intake limited to 1000ml, into salt-free diet, sugar, vinegar, onions and other seasonings mouth to increase appetite.

(2) intake of protein, low-protein diet can slow the progression of renal damage, severe edema with hypoalbuminemia protein intake of patients, the daily per kilogram 1g, more than 60% of high-quality protein.

3, to protect parts of the skin to prevent skin damage and edema

(1) the patient should wear a broad anti-soft cotton clothes, holding flat bed drying, often turning to avoid pressure on bony prominences parts of the skin.

(2) regularly with warm sponge bath or shower, frequently changes underwear, mouthwash after meals, wash once daily perineum, keeping the skin clean to prevent infection.


