
Prevention and treatment of IgA nephropathy

Diagnosis of IgA nephropathy renal biopsy must have, must have immunofluorescence or immunohistochemical results support. Its diagnostic features are: light microscopy common diffuse mesangial proliferative or focal segmental glomerulonephritis; diagnostic immunofluorescence visible mesangial IgA immune complex deposition or IgA-based, which is IgA nephropathy signs.
IgA nephropathy prevention diet: light-based diet, advised to eat more fruits, vegetables and high-protein foods, spicy ban, Feiganhouwei, and mold products, preserved foods, avoid alcohol.
IgA nephropathy diet should be used to determine the amount of protein intake according to the degree of renal impairment. If longer duration, renal damage is not serious, they do not have protein in food strictly limited, but not more than 1 gram per kilogram of body weight per day, high-quality protein to reach more than 50 percent.
Any IgA patients in the diet should be given plenty of vitamins, in particular vitamin C, because long-term IgA nephritis patients may have anemia, vitamin C can increase iron absorption, and should add more foods rich in vitamin B and folic acid food, to correct anemia.
IgA nephropathy is generally no special treatment, adequate rest and avoid fatigue, prevent colds and avoid the use of nephrotoxic drugs.


