
Etiology IGA nephropathy Introduction

IGA nephropathy is a more often in children and adolescents who diseases, so parents and friends need to look at what risk factors IGA nephropathy, out of children's healthy growth and a better future considerations, parents should do preventive work, especially for children that causes IGA nephropathy, what does? |

IGA nephropathy causes:

1, IGA nephropathy causes including infections. For the life of colds, tonsillitis, fever appears to the naked eye or urine occult blood, are very likely to very likely to cause the occurrence of IgA nephropathy, recurrent infection factors, the majority of patients with hematuria IGA nephropathy only exception to the hospital for medical treatment in the body.

2, IGA nephropathy in patients with kidney mesangial cells. For some patients with inflammation of life, but also will lead to the etiology IGA nephropathy, kidney mesangial cells in patients with inflammatory damage will be stimulated to produce inflammatory cytokines, leading to a large number of immune complex precipitation in the kidney patients and eventually causes the generation of diseases.

3, IGA nephropathy has a genetic predisposition. According to the survey, IgA nephropathy have a certain genetic predisposition, in general, have a family history of IgA nephropathy, IGA nephropathy have a genetic predisposition to a certain extent.


