
IgA nephropathy and other diseases how different

IgA nephropathy and the diseases like? How should identify? Had IgA nephropathy, which has several treatments? To learn more about the patient's condition to avoid delaying. Here we ask kidney hospital in Xi'an, Chinese medicine experts to tell you about.

IgA nephropathy need and what diseases:

1. acute streptococcal glomerulonephritis: IgA nephropathy and is also prone to the young men, hematuria upper respiratory tract infection (or acute tonsillitis) after, may have proteinuria, edema and hypertension, and even renal impairment . The difference between the two is that patients with IgA nephropathy upper respiratory tract infection after a short interval (1-3 days) appears hematuria, some patients with elevated serum IgA levels. The more acute nephritis occurs in approximately two weeks after the streptococcal infection clinical symptoms of acute nephritic syndrome, decreased serum C3, IgA levels were normal can help identify.

2. Non-IgA mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis: non-IgA mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis high incidence in our country. About one-third of the patients showed hematuria. In clinical and IgA nephropathy is difficult to identify. We must rely on the immune pathology biopsy to identify. 3. The thin basement membrane nephropathy: thin basement membrane nephropathy main clinical manifestations of recurrent hematuria, about 1/2 of the patients had a family history. Clinical manifestations of benign process. Urinary Pf4 levels can help to identify and IgA nephropathy. We must rely on renal biopsy electron microscopy examination and identification of IgA nephropathy.

4. HSP nephritis: Patients may present with microscopic hematuria or gross hematuria. Renal biopsy may have the same wide mesangial IgA deposition and primary IgA nephropathy. But purpura kidney patients often typical skin purpura, abdominal pain, arthralgia performance.

IgA nephropathy treatment principles: IgA nephropathy syndrome with Yin deficiency is the most common manifestations of sore throat, five upset hot, scanty dark urine, dry stool, etc., and often humid clip, showing dry mouth, mouth pain, greasy yellow tongue coating , slippery pulse and so on. There Qi, with lassitude, Shenpi poor appetite, abdominal distension, loose stools characterized, qi and blood stasis and often, the tongue is characterized by dark veins astringent, clinical should distinguish clearly.

IgA nephropathy divided Western medicine and Chinese medicine treatment:

1. Western medicine treatment of IgA nephropathy: Western mainly periodic clinical and renal function process. There is no effective therapy, only some drugs also liver and kidney damage, we are not in favor of taking, so it simply does not heal. Western medicine is mainly applied hormone therapy, many patients not only not effective, but there are often serious side effects, such as: obesity, acne, irritability, hirsutism, etc., and can produce drug dependence or adrenal cortical atrophy, dysfunction. Some effects are not consolidated and lasting, often relapse within a few months, and some even concurrent infections and other symptoms: such as bone marrow suppression, gonadal suppression. All these have brought great inconvenience to the patient and physical harm. Chronic glomerulonephritis hormones and can reduce immunity and disease resistance, can easily cause exogenous, which is why you relapse, which is the entire treatment process is the most serious disturbances.

2. Chinese medicine treatment of IgA nephropathy: The hospital experts say: this is due to the patient's body can not produce a lot of toxins effective and timely discharge. After illness first be sure to keep a good attitude, followed by aggressive treatment, can not delay the best timing of treatment.

Above it is to introduce, if you still do not understand what, you can also consult our kidney specialists, experts will give you detailed answers. Finally, I wish you a speedy recovery.


