
iga nephropathy prevention to strengthen!

iga nephropathy is affecting the health of our young people a common kidney disease, accounting for 30% to 40% of primary renal biopsy diagnosis of glomerulonephritis. Pathogenesis is not entirely clear, the immune pathological features of biopsy immunoglobulin IgA deposition in granular mesangial region, the majority of patients with adolescent clinical manifestations are episodes of gross hematuria, microscopic hematuria with or without protein Pee. Past that IgA nephropathy good prognosis, the past 20 years, with further research, awareness of the disease has been a profound change, found that patients go through different stages of progress, many people with renal insufficiency may occur. It is an important feature when serum creatinine rises to a certain extent, the progression of the disease in a short time to end-stage renal disease, various interventions can not reverse this process. Severe proteinuria, hypertension, an important factor in renal interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy are poor prognosis appears. IgA nephropathy in our country has become the most common cause of end-stage renal disease to the state and individuals caused a heavy economic and social burden. So early detection, early diagnosis is very important.

Because IgA nephropathy with hematuria as the main clinical manifestations, often not accompanied by other clinical manifestations, hematuria often not been enough attention to young people and families, and thus can not early detection of diseases, timely diagnosis and treatment. Obvious symptoms such as proteinuria, hypertension, edema, or only for medical treatment, then has a bad prognosis. This is also an important reason for our long-term survival of patients with IgA nephropathy kidney low. The public should pay attention to periodic urine checks, after gross or microscopic hematuria was found to be time-line for further examination, before the diagnosis of IgA nephropathy renal biopsy still need to rule out other diseases can cause hematuria, such as tuberculosis, kidney, vascular malformations, urinary tract infection, thin basement membrane nephropathy, nutcracker phenomenon, which requires line of urinary red cell morphology examination, kidney B ultrasound, Doppler vascular ultrasound and other tests.

There is no uniform regimen IgA nephropathy, often develop different treatment options based on the patient's condition, previous common glucocorticoids, immunosuppressants, anti-platelet aggregation anticoagulants, fish oil and other drug treatment, in recent years, plus angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) and angiotensin receptor blockers reduce urinary protein in patients with stable renal function, and delay progress of the disease. Early application of these drugs can improve the prognosis of IgA nephropathy, improve long-term survival of the kidney. IgA nephropathy patients with kidney survival was 85% of 10 years, 15 years is 55%, lower than Japan and other developed countries, which are closely related and can not be found early.

Patient follow-up in the fight against IgA nephropathy occupies an important position, close, long-term follow-up treatment can ensure the integrity and consistency. Unfortunately, due to the characteristics of national conditions, our patients tend to seek treatment at several hospitals, constantly changing treatment programs to enable long-term follow-up difficult, more effective treatment. Thus, IgA nephropathy patients should be diagnosed in the formal hospital or specialist treatment in general hospitals and develop a reasonable, scientific treatment, and persisted in the initial hospital treatment of long-term follow-up, which will help improve the prevention and treatment of IgA nephropathy.


