
Iga nephropathy symptoms found what needs to be done to check

Iga nephropathy symptoms found after checking what needs to be done? Iga nephropathy found after symptoms, which can be diagnosed needs to be done to check it? Iga nephropathy patients is growing every year, many people began to focus on some of the knowledge about iga nephropathy, today to introduce discovery After iga nephropathy symptoms, which project inspection needs to be done.

Urine routine examination

(1) hematuria: clinical about 40% to 45% of patients present with the naked eye or microscopic hematuria, patients showed 35% to 40% may be a simple microscopic hematuria or microscopic hematuria with a small amount of proteinuria. Gross hematuria sustainable for several hours to several days after to persistent microscopic hematuria, hematuria may disappear in some patients, but often attack, reproduce gross hematuria attack.

(2) proteinuria: mild proteinuria, general urinary protein <1g / 24h, small number of patients with massive proteinuria or nephrotic syndrome.


(1) IgA increased: about 1/4 ~ l / 2 IgA increased in the blood of patients, with an increase of multimeric IgA.

(2) circulating immune complexes: about 1/5 ~ 2/3 can be detected in the blood of children with IgA circulating immune complexes and (or) IgG immune complexes.

(3) Anti "O" increased: a minority of patients with anti "O" titer.

(4) Complement: C3, C4 were normal.

(5) Other: IgA rheumatoid factor and IgA type ANCA also often positive, it was considered elevated blood IgA- fibronectin complex is characteristic changes IgA nephropathy, a higher diagnostic value.

Further check B ultrasound, ECG and X-ray examination. Immune pathology: Kidney immunopathology was diagnosed with IgA nephropathy only key basis. Some people were immunized skin pathology found that 20% to 50% of the patients skin capillary wall of IgA, specificity and sensitivity deposition C3, prepare solution pigment, Bene other reports of skin biopsy were 88% and 75% .


