
iga nephropathy patients have any specific dietary requirements

iga nephropathy in patients with specific dietary requirements are what? There are many kidney patients get checked out on the iga nephropathy, the nephropathy is rather special, it brings more obvious symptoms, in patients with renal and other organizations will damage. So it should be treated, but the diet is also a patient can not be ignored important thing. So iga nephropathy patients have any specific dietary requirements? Here take a look at some of the details related to the content of my kidney specialist Mody this presentation of it.
What iga nephropathy in patients with specific dietary requirements have it?
Our kidney experts say: For iga nephropathy and other various kidney disease, the protein intake for more emphasis to be before they can. iga nephropathy patients to scientific and reasonable arrangements for their protein intake, diet therapy should be used to determine protein intake according to degree of renal function impairment, if longer duration, renal damage is not serious, the protein in food is not strictly limit, but not more than 1 gram per kilogram of body weight per day, high-quality protein to reach more than 50 percent. By limiting the intake of protein in the diet, so patients with iga nephropathy energy sources has been limited, the supply of energy to carbohydrates and fat as the main source of energy supply depends on the labor intensity may be. The Breakers, adult daily supply of 126 kJ to 147 kJ (30 kcal to 35 kcal) / kg body weight. And activities to meet the needs of patients.
iga nephropathy patients also need special attention salt intake, excessive intake of salt is serious injury to the kidneys. iga nephropathy patients decide to combine their condition in their daily diet is much need to eat salt, but in severe edema and hypertension, the amount of salt should be controlled at below 2 g / day, or even give salt-free diet, generally salt is appropriate.
Described above is our iga kidney patients for kidney specialist dietary requirements are what specifically introduced some relevant content to attract relationship, we hope we can bring some help. If you have a number of similar questions, please click consult our online experts.


What routine care measures have iga nephropathy

iga nephropathy is a serious damage to human health and disease, it can lead to serious uremia occurs, thereby endangering the lives and health of the patient. Therefore, for patients with the disease, not only pay attention to the treatment of disease, but also to do the care work, especially diet care. Below, please nephropathy our experts to tell you about, day care iga nephropathy.

1, a reasonable diet. For iga nephropathy patients is concerned, first of all to strictly control the salt intake. Under normal circumstances, the patient's daily salt intake should not more than three grams, but also away from pickled or salty foods.

2, pay attention to protein intake, it is one of iga nephropathy daily care. Experts said that low protein can reduce the burden on the kidneys, so protein intake needs to be calculated based on the patient's weight, food mainly in high-quality animal protein based.

3, pay attention to skin care. For iga nephropathy patients, we need a quiet and comfortable environment, but also to maintain hygiene and neat beds, good clothes, soft cotton clothing.

4, to avoid infection, it is one of iga nephropathy daily care. As the patient's resistance is relatively weak, very susceptible to infection. So try to avoid various infections also occur, such as: urinary tract infection, upper respiratory tract infections.

5, when iga nephropathy patient's condition is more serious, the good bed rest, avoid excessive activity. This can increase renal blood flow and improve glomerular filtration rate, reduce edema.

Described above is our nephrologist some details related to what described for the daily care measures iga nephropathy, hope we can bring some help. If you have any do not understand, I welcome you to click on the consultation online experts.


What harm have IgA nephropathy

IgA nephropathy after harm has it? Surely we want to know, to understand the harm IgA nephropathy, the treatment of the disease is also helpful to know more about some of the etiology and treatment of this disease on, for the recovery of the patient's condition There are certainly helpful. If not treated in time the consequences are very serious, so patients and friends to pay more attention to the occurrence of this disease in preventive preparation in life.
What harm have IgA nephropathy?
1, proteinuria: mild proteinuria, few patients may even massive proteinuria nephrotic syndrome.
2, episodes of gross hematuria: more common in children, more than its gross hematuria occurred after tonsillitis, acute gastroenteritis are also part of the urinary tract infection or attack. Gross hematuria sustainable for several hours to several days, and then to persistent microscopic hematuria, hematuria may disappear in some patients, but often attack, reproduce gross hematuria attack, may be associated with mild symptoms.
3, asymptomatic microscopic hematuria and proteinuria: this is the main clinical manifestations of children and adolescents IgA nephropathy, often to be found in the physical examination, it can be expressed as a simple microscopic hematuria or microscopic hematuria and proteinuria some of the symptoms associated with a small amount .

4. Other: Part of the disease can occur in patients with nephrotic syndrome, acute progressive nephritic syndrome, renal failure, a few may abdominal pain hematuria.


Early symptoms of IgA nephritis What are

IgA nephritis is currently one of the more popular type of kidney disease, its multiple child who is one of the healthy growth of children the most important disease affecting, IgA nephritis if we can get timely treatment, the effect is still very impressive, so IgA nephritis What are the early symptoms of it?
Early symptoms of IgA nephritis one: low back pain. No clear cause back pain, you should check the kidneys, spine and lumbar back muscles.
Early symptoms of IgA nephritis II: male sexual dysfunction may be aspects of performance, such as semen, slippery pulse and so on.
Early symptoms of IgA nephritis three: urine foam more, and for a long time does not disappear. This shows that more protein excretion in the urine.
Early symptoms of IgA nephritis IV: nocturia. Normal people within 60 years, the general should not have frequent nocturia, nocturnal increase if young, is likely to be an early manifestation of poor kidney function.
Early symptoms of IgA nephritis five: too much or too little urine. Being mortal urine even about 1500 ml daily, 4-8 times a day. If a lot of sweat, a lot of water, no heat and other phenomena, urine volume appeared suddenly plummeted or increased, it is necessary to the hospital, see if it is kidney disease.
Early symptoms of IgA nephritis Six: Urine discoloration. Urine was dark brown, wash the meat water samples, such as soy sauce color or turbidity when Taomi, seek medical attention immediately.
Early symptoms of IgA nephritis Seven: edema. After the morning eyelid or facial edema, multi afternoon faded, tired after the increase, rest after mitigation. Severe edema occur inside the ankles, lower limbs, lumbosacral like.


IgA nephropathy good treatment

IgA nephropathy occurs mainly in childhood, affecting the healthy development of children is a major killer, then what is the treatment of IgA nephropathy can maximize reduce the side effects? Here we have IgA nephropathy good treatment of this issue by the experts as we do Under answers.
Experts say there will be a large number of patients with IgA nephropathy hematuria, proteinuria One of the reasons is because the kidney tissue inflammation leads to glomerular injury, filtered urine protein, RBC aperture increases, the leakage increased protein and occult blood . While early treatment can get good treatment and prognosis.
IgA nephropathy good treatment: 1, without hormones control a variety of immunosuppressants of kidney tissue inflammation and reduce the side effects of hormones produced.
IgA nephropathy patients have been using immunosuppressive agents and cytotoxic drugs is the use of medicine to temporarily control the inflammatory response characteristics. But there is in control inflammation medicine aspects of its limitations, can not fully and thoroughly will cause an inflammatory reaction to clean out toxic substances; the most important is Western medicine can not resume normal glomerular injury.
IgA nephropathy good treatment methods: 2, Western medicine clinical treatment of patients with IgA nephropathy, there is a way or drawbacks and defects. From the onset of IgA nephropathy is also clear that we, IgA nephropathy is a continuous process of renal fibrosis. To achieve the right of IgA nephropathy and effective treatment, it needs to be addressed on kidney fibrosis, by using a treatment of renal fibrosis process will be checked, to prevent its advance towards an irreversible direction. In particular, for the treatment of IgA nephropathy, early detection and early treatment for better post-treatment.


Repeated reason IgA nephropathy

Many patients with IgA nephropathy After treatment, the disease has been brought under control, though, but not necessarily healed, so some patients will continue unbridled same as the original work and life. This will lead to the disease repeatedly, leading to more severe kidney disease occurs, then repeated the reasons for IgA nephropathy cause are what it?
1, repeated the reasons IgA nephropathy - treatment is not complete
IgA nephropathy is repeated reason in the treatment of patients with IgA nephropathy and no real thorough treatment from pathology, so it makes a lot of kidney patients in the treatment process, some fake phenomenon was blindfolded, and many of the hospital or the treatment of IgA nephritis treatments to patients during treatment, only symptomatic treatment is the use of a number of effects that occur when is very significant, for example, negative urine protein, red blood cells decreased, creatinine declined so these phenomena, many of IgA nephritis patients will think they've got the cure of the disease, in fact, in fact not the case.
2, repeated the reasons IgA nephropathy - day care is not in place

Some IgA nephritis patients in the hospital for treatment, it tends to work together with the doctor's treatment, the effect of rehabilitation is very fast, but later discharged, because they do not add any maintenance, overwork, diet with unreasonable, still also make IgA nephropathy treatment subject to a certain extent, this is also the cause of repeated anti-IgA nephropathy in, so that after suffering from IgA nephritis in the treatment must be done with caution protection, scientific treatment principle.


IgA nephritis diagnostic methods

Causes, symptoms and treatments, I think we want to know IgA nephritis, but ignored the diagnosis IgA nephritis, as long as doctors say they are suffering from IgA nephritis, himself also admitted that, in fact, many are not a regular hospital diagnostic measures still pending increased misdiagnosis will give patients greater harm, then diagnosis IgA nephritis have what it?
Experts say: IgA nephritis pathological diagnosis of the disease, having the same pathological features of primary glomerulonephritis disease. Thus, IgA nephropathy is not an independent disease, but a group with the same type of pathological features of renal disease. Become a reliable indicator of renal biopsy diagnosis of IgA nephropathy. But in addition, IgA nephritis patients in clinical also exhibit some of the same symptoms. Therefore, the exact diagnosis problem IgA nephritis, need to be at the same time from the clinical symptoms of IgA nephritis and pathological perspective of IgA nephritis patients, combined with each other in order to obtain a more effective diagnostic method for IgA nephritis. The following, as we set out several diagnostic IgA nephritis by:
Arising in upper respiratory tract infections hematuria or microscopic hematuria or asymptomatic proteinuria (especially young men).
Second, with the exception of acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, non-IgA mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, thin basement membrane nephropathy, lupus nephritis, purpura nephritis, cirrhosis and alcoholic liver disease and kidney damage.
Third, as glomerular hematuria (abnormal red blood cells mainly), proteinuria is high, molecular or mixed proteinuria, serum IgA may rise.
Fourth, the biopsy. Immune pathology can be seen mesangial area based granular IgA immunofluorescence.
Experts pointed out: IgA nephritis is a recurrent gross or microscopic hematuria, glomerular mesangial cell proliferation, matrix increase, with extensive deposits of IgA characteristics of primary glomerular disease. Also known as IgA-IgG mesangial deposits of IgA mesangial glomerulonephritis and nephritis. IgA nephropathy also be interpreted as renal biopsy immunofluorescence glomerular mesangial a large granular IgA deposition is characterized by primary glomerular disease.


IgA nephritis prevention

IgA nephritis is a common kidney disease, which severely affects the patient's physical and mental health, IgA nephritis during treatment in life nursed back to health on the recovery of the disease has a very important role, so prevention efforts need to do what IgA nephritis Some do? following on from the experts to do the simple introduction.
Experts say: IgA nephritis is now recognized as the most common primary glomerulonephritis worldwide, is one of China's major glomerular disease, but also lead to end-stage renal failure in one of the most important reason to enter the renal insufficiency up to 20% to 30%. IgA nephritis patients nursed back to health in the life of the recovery of the disease has a very important role, so IgA patients in their daily lives to pay attention to the following aspects:
IgA nephritis a prevention, prevention of exogenous
The disease is often due to upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis leaving sicker, it should prevent a cold, such as poor physical fitness, colds, could moderate exercise, increase the resistance, to prevent upper respiratory tract infection, and taking medicine Yupingfengsan In Qi solid form.
IgA nephritis prevent two, work and rest
Due to excessive exertion, strenuous exercise, can often hematuria increased, so the section should be living there, pay attention to bed rest, moderate exercise, to prevent late at night, fatigue and strenuous exercise.
IgA nephritis three prevention, prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases
Actively eliminate susceptibility and predisposing factors, as the respiratory tract, skin, intestine, urinary tract infections, cure boils, fungal infections, tonsillitis due to repeated induced hematuria hair of possible tonsillectomy, children are advised to timely prepuce circumcision. Once the inflammation, infection, active treatment.
IgA nephritis prevention Fourth, spirit nursed back to health
Where patients suffering from hematuria, have varying degrees of mental stress, depression and pessimism. Therefore, in everyday life, we should always pay attention to words and deeds, panic, shouting, etc. will increase the patient's anxiety and fear, it is the spirit nursed back to health is very important. Minimize the adverse mental stimulation of the patient, to feel comfortable, to facilitate the rehabilitation of the disease.
IgA nephritis five prevention, prevention of renal dysfunction

Many factors affect the long-term prognosis of IgA nephropathy, the most common in elderly men onset or persistent hematuria with massive proteinuria, or in patients with severe hypertension, etc., for such cases should be closely observed, attaches great importance to, and give timely and reasonable protective measures, thereby blocking IgA nephropathy before renal failure development process to achieve the purpose of anti-change treatment.


How can I cure iga nephropathy iga nephropathy can be cured

Although more types of kidney disease, but for iga nephropathy, you can not but seriously. And how can cure iga nephropathy has become a problem of concern to many readers. In order to be able to help patients choose the right treatment, here we come to introduce you to what can cure iga nephropathy.
In fact, treatment of iga nephropathy, and how can cure iga nephropathy simple? Of course, it is to avoid fatigue, prevent colds and to avoid the use of nephrotoxic drugs. Iga people suffering from kidney disease, in the absence of non-treatment can not reach the point when, to avoid fatigue, prevent colds and avoid the use of nephrotoxic drugs. Hypertension actively control high blood pressure, kidney function is extremely important for protection. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) have better control of blood pressure and deterioration of renal function role, and a decrease in urinary protein role.
For the above does not work in patients, how can cure iga nephropathy it? Then the patient can consider hormone therapy. Hormone therapy is the treatment of iga nephropathy the most common: if it can accompany the use of immunosuppressive drugs, the result will be better. For exhibiting mild symptoms iga nephropathy with nephrotic syndrome were treated with hormone method of treatment. Such as minor glomerular mesangial proliferative lesions of mild iga nephropathy, glucocorticoids and cytotoxic drugs available efficacy, such as pathological changes in severe proteinuria is often ineffective control are often not included in the long-term progress to chronic Zhong dried kidney poor prognosis.

In addition to the above several methods, dialysis treatment iga nephropathy is the most common: the index has reached the iga nephropathy dialysis patients with dialysis treatment should, of such poor prognosis, the majority of patients with renal function can not be restored. Obvious source of infection, then the use of antibiotics against infection, we should also strive to surgery sources, such as tonsillitis, rotten teeth. Severe acute oliguric renal failure with gross hematuria, biopsy prompted most of glomerular crescent formation by only the use of hormones and the drug cyclophosphamide and Citems.


IgA nephropathy in children can be cured

Children with IgA nephropathy to be cured? There is no doubt that children with IgA nephropathy in recent years has become the focus of attention of many parents, which parents do not love their children, but children with IgA nephropathy affect the healthy development of children is worst one of the diseases, so children with IgA nephropathy has become the focus of the parents. What about children with IgA nephropathy can be cured? We still hear the opinions of experts it.
IgA nephropathy in children can be cured? IgA nephropathy in the treatment of pediatric patients with renal biopsy is done hyperplasia or proliferative mainly, most with proteinuria or hematuria, or at the same time some of the treatment time is about six months to year, regular treatment for six months to consolidate the six months. Tests mainly immune-based look normal?
IgA nephropathy in children can be cured? All laboratory indicators normal, only shows that clinical cure and can not be considered cured, over half of patients Again cold or fever, fatigue or diarrhea or no relapse by testing all indicators are normal to Description of the disease go to the root, and that is recovered;

About IgA nephropathy in children can be cured, patients and friends who are aware of it, you are my friends, if those above situation occurs, seek immediate medical attention, so as not to miss the good timing of treatment, if you need further understanding of chronic nephritis What are the early symptoms, please click consult experts in our hospital.



iga nephropathy inherited?

iga nephropathy hereditary it? iga nephropathy are many patients who watched a lot of people do not know whether genetic iga nephropathy, Can you understand it. "For this question, let us look at the experts describes it.

iga nephropathy inherited? Experts, iga nephropathy is not hereditary.

Kidney disease is mainly due to the abnormal deposition of immunoglobulin iga mesangial area, which led to kidney disease. It is an immune system deficiency diseases, a lot of incentives, usually caused by recurrent inflammation, tonsillitis, colds and other causes. Iga nephropathy only for himself kidney inherent cell damage, there will be no iga nephropathy genetic phenomenon.

Kidney pathology due to different conditions, and different manifestations:

The most common change in IgA nephropathy associated optical microscope confirmed that the mesangial area focal or diffuse expansion of extracellular matrix, the expansion of mesangial cells and matrix IgA nephropathy is by no means unique in many other kidney diseases also can be observed to the above changes, these diseases include diabetic nephropathy, focal segmental glomerular mesangial sclerosis and many of the diseases associated with glomerular damage. Moreover, in patients with IgA nephropathy can be seen in many of the optical microscope to determine the damage, including diffuse capillary endothelial proliferation, segmental sclerosis, segmental necrosis and cellular crescent formation.

Light microscopy lesions mainly involving the glomerular lesions varied types, including minor lesions, mesangial proliferative disease, focal segmental lesions, proliferative lesions within the capillaries, crescents and sclerosis lesions and other lesions, Most cases with diffuse mesangial proliferation typical changes, including mesangial cell proliferation and mesangial matrix increase. It can be further divided into mild, moderate and severe glomerular mesangial proliferative disease according to disease severity. By Masson staining often can be found addicted to red material deposited in the mesangial area in Iraq, often patchily distributed in mesangial area. Slight lesions were only slight mesangial proliferation, also showed diffuse hyperplasia.



Iga nephritis how TCM treatment

Ⅰ, vasodilators: Why is it due to vasodilator after IGA immune complexes stimulate the capillaries cause kidney mesangial cell ischemia and hypoxia, vasodilators purpose is to improve renal blood circulation, relieve renal ischemia and hypoxia each resident cells? state, for the next fix mesangial cells provide a good environment.
Ⅱ, degradation: glomerular capillary increase in inflammatory cells and blood vessels in the micro-thrombosis, and immune complex deposition IGA, sediment accumulation and extracellular matrix causes glomerular mesangial cells increased, So we must continue to use the drugs degrade extracellular matrix deposition of these excreted in the urine, avoid glomerulosclerosis.
Ⅲ, anticoagulation: an increase in inflammatory cells in the blood, blood viscosity will increase to some extent, which increases the glomerular capillary micro thrombosis. The use of anticoagulant drugs is to prevent the formation of micro-thrombi maintain blood flow, further lay the foundation for mesangial cell repair.


iga nephropathy treatment precautions?

iga nephropathy treatment of inflammatory diseases to be controlled: to eliminate susceptible and induce positive elements, as the respiratory tract, skin, intestine, urinary tract infection, cure boils, fungal infections, tonsillitis due to repeated induced hematuria, possible tonsil resection, children are advised to timely prepuce circumcision. Once the performance inflammatory infection, active treatment.
②iga in the treatment of patients with kidney disease to prevent exogenous: The disease is often due to upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis leaving exacerbations, it should prevent the common cold, such as poor physical fitness, casual cold, could exercise over the body, adding arrived when the force to prevent the respiratory tract infection episodes, and taking medicine Yupingfengsan to Qi solid form.
③IgA kidney patients should pay attention to the usual treatment options are associated with the work and rest: because Lawton excessive, violent activity, hematuria can often add, it should be done living with restraint, pay attention to bed rest, excessive physical exercise, staying up late to prevent excessive fatigue and violent activity.
④iga in the treatment of kidney patients to pay attention to the spirit of enjoying: Where patients suffering from hematuria, have varying degrees of mental severe depression and despair. Therefore, in everyday life, or else pay attention to words and deeds when, nervous, shouting, etc. Rhyme added patient anxiety and fear of the mind, the spirit of enjoying it is very important. You can add to the spirit of the adverse effects on the patient's mood Hearty adhere to, in order to facilitate the cure of the disease.


Repeated reason IgA nephropathy

IgA nephropathy is most common in children and adolescents, so, IgA nephropathy always repeated, is affected by what factors affect it? IgA nephropathy is caused by a number of reasons, it causes IgA nephropathy in the end what are the reasons for repeated it, we asked the following Experts on this issue as we do the simple introduction.
1. Experts say the reasons for IgA nephropathy repeated genes. IgA nephropathy patients within the urine protein content higher than average, which is the medical condition known as microalbuminuria, one indicator of this is about to kidney failure.
2, repeated reason IgA nephropathy is in the treatment of patients with IgA nephropathy and no real thorough treatment from pathology, so it makes a lot of kidney patients in the treatment process, some fake phenomenon was blindfolded, and many treat IgA nephritis hospital or treatment, in the course of a patient for treatment, only symptomatic treatment is the use of a number of effects that occur when is very significant, for example, negative urine protein, red blood cells decreased, creatinine declined so these phenomena, Many IgA nephritis patients will think they've got the cure of the disease, in fact, in fact not the case.
3, day care is not in place, some of IgA nephritis patients in the hospital for treatment, it tends to work together with the doctor's treatment, the effect of rehabilitation is very fast, and after discharge, because they do not add any maintenance, overwork, diet with unreasonable, still also make IgA nephropathy treatment subject to a certain extent, this is also the cause of repeated anti-IgA nephropathy in, so that after suffering from IgA nephritis in the treatment must be done with caution protection, scientific treatment principle.


IgA nephritis prevention

IgA nephritis is a common kidney disease, which severely affects the patient's physical and mental health, IgA nephritis during treatment in life nursed back to health on the recovery of the disease has a very important role, so prevention efforts need to do what IgA nephritis Some do? following on from the experts to do the simple introduction.
Experts say: IgA nephritis is now recognized as the most common primary glomerulonephritis worldwide, is one of China's major glomerular disease, but also lead to end-stage renal failure in one of the most important reason to enter the renal insufficiency up to 20% to 30%. IgA nephritis patients nursed back to health in the life of the recovery of the disease has a very important role, so IgA patients in their daily lives to pay attention to the following aspects:
IgA nephritis a prevention, prevention of exogenous
The disease is often due to upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis leaving sicker, it should prevent a cold, such as poor physical fitness, colds, could moderate exercise, increase the resistance, to prevent upper respiratory tract infection, and taking medicine Yupingfengsan In Qi solid form.
IgA nephritis prevent two, work and rest
Due to excessive exertion, strenuous exercise, can often hematuria increased, so the section should be living there, pay attention to bed rest, moderate exercise, to prevent late at night, fatigue and strenuous exercise.
IgA nephritis three prevention, prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases
Actively eliminate susceptibility and predisposing factors, as the respiratory tract, skin, intestine, urinary tract infections, cure boils, fungal infections, tonsillitis due to repeated induced hematuria hair of possible tonsillectomy, children are advised to timely prepuce circumcision. Once the inflammation, infection, active treatment.
IgA nephritis prevention Fourth, spirit nursed back to health
Where patients suffering from hematuria, have varying degrees of mental stress, depression and pessimism. Therefore, in everyday life, we should always pay attention to words and deeds, panic, shouting, etc. will increase the patient's anxiety and fear, it is the spirit nursed back to health is very important. Minimize the adverse mental stimulation of the patient, to feel comfortable, to facilitate the rehabilitation of the disease.
IgA nephritis five prevention, prevention of renal dysfunction
Many factors affect the long-term prognosis of IgA nephropathy, the most common in elderly men onset or persistent hematuria with massive proteinuria, or in patients with severe hypertension, etc., for such cases should be closely observed, attaches great importance to, and give timely and reasonable protective measures, thereby blocking IgA nephropathy before renal failure development process to achieve the purpose of anti-change treatment.


How can I cure iga nephropathy, iga nephropathy can be cured

Although more types of kidney disease, but for iga nephropathy, you can not but seriously. And how can cure iga nephropathy has become a problem of concern to many readers. In order to be able to help patients choose the right treatment, here we come to introduce you to what can cure iga nephropathy.
In fact, treatment of iga nephropathy, and how can cure iga nephropathy simple? Of course, it is to avoid fatigue, prevent colds and to avoid the use of nephrotoxic drugs. Iga people suffering from kidney disease, in the absence of non-treatment can not reach the point when, to avoid fatigue, prevent colds and avoid the use of nephrotoxic drugs. Hypertension actively control high blood pressure, kidney function is extremely important for protection. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) have better control of blood pressure and deterioration of renal function role, and a decrease in urinary protein role.
For the above does not work in patients, how can cure iga nephropathy it? Then the patient can consider hormone therapy. Hormone therapy is the treatment of iga nephropathy the most common: if it can accompany the use of immunosuppressive drugs, the result will be better. For exhibiting mild symptoms iga nephropathy with nephrotic syndrome were treated with hormone method of treatment. Such as minor glomerular mesangial proliferative lesions of mild iga nephropathy, glucocorticoids and cytotoxic drugs available efficacy, such as pathological changes in severe proteinuria is often ineffective control are often not included in the long-term progress to chronic Zhong dried kidney poor prognosis.
In addition to the above several methods, dialysis treatment iga nephropathy is the most common: the index has reached the iga nephropathy dialysis patients with dialysis treatment should, of such poor prognosis, the majority of patients with renal function can not be restored. Obvious source of infection, then the use of antibiotics against infection, we should also strive to surgery sources, such as tonsillitis, rotten teeth. Severe acute oliguric renal failure with gross hematuria, biopsy prompted most of glomerular crescent formation by only the use of hormones and the drug cyclophosphamide and C items.
Because kidney disease can not heal the disease, and thus find themselves must be treated after suffering iga nephropathy, and how can cure iga nephropathy, above it has been for you to make a detailed presentation. If you have any other questions about kidney disease, you can directly consult the online experts.


IgA nephropathy in children can be cured

Children with IgA nephropathy to be cured? There is no doubt that children with IgA nephropathy in recent years has become the focus of attention of many parents, which parents do not love their children, but children with IgA nephropathy affect the healthy development of children is worst one of the diseases, so children with IgA nephropathy has become the focus of the parents. What about children with IgA nephropathy can be cured? We still hear the opinions of experts it.
IgA nephropathy in children can be cured? IgA nephropathy in the treatment of pediatric patients with renal biopsy is done hyperplasia or proliferative mainly, most with proteinuria or hematuria, or at the same time some of the treatment time is about six months to year, regular treatment for six months to consolidate the six months. Tests mainly immune-based look normal?
IgA nephropathy in children can be cured? All laboratory indicators normal, only shows that clinical cure and can not be considered cured, over half of patients Again cold or fever, fatigue or diarrhea or no relapse by testing all indicators are normal to Description of the disease go to the root, and that is recovered;
About IgA nephropathy in children can be cured, patients and friends who are aware of it, you are my friends, if those above situation occurs, seek immediate medical attention, so as not to miss the good timing of treatment, if you need further understanding of chronic nephritis What are the early symptoms, please click consult experts in our hospital.



How iga nephropathy patients to develop good habits

IGA nephropathy need to develop good habits, to prevent the recurrence of IGA nephropathy! Iga nephropathy patients how to develop good habits it? IGA nephropathy more and more people become killers, select professional treatment IGA nephropathy is very important, ? iga nephropathy patients how to develop good habits while it reasonable diet and physical exercise can not be ignored, we need to develop good habits to deal with IGA nephropathy:

How iga nephropathy patients to develop good living habits? I hope the following introduction to have some help.

A, iga nephropathy patients how to develop good living habits? To prevent infection, often due to upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis leaving sicker, it should prevent a cold, such as poor physical fitness, colds, could moderate exercise , increase the resistance, to prevent upper respiratory tract infection.

Two, IGA IGA nephropathy patients to prevent inflammation in patients with kidney disease should actively eliminate susceptibility and predisposing factors, as the respiratory tract, skin, intestine, urinary tract infections, the treatment of boils, fungal infections, tonsillitis due to repeated induced hematuria hair of possible tonsillectomy, children are advised to timely prepuce circumcision. Once the inflammation, infection, active treatment.

Three, iga nephropathy patients how to develop good living habits? Laoyijiege overwork, strenuous exercise, can often hematuria increased, it should be done living with restraint, pay attention to bed rest, moderate exercise, to prevent late at night, fatigue and strenuous exercise.

How iga nephropathy patients to develop good living habits? Read this article, please combine your condition and treatment to make a judgment. IGA nephropathy must be early treatment, with medical treatment, good self-care, to develop good habits, so as to cure the IGA nephropathy and prevent recurrence of IGA nephropathy, live a healthy life, if you have any questions, or around other Kidney disease patients also had similar symptoms, click on the online consultation, can be dry and authoritative treatment of kidney disease experts for instant online communication, to give the most satisfactory answer!


IGA nephropathy with hypertension do serious

IGA nephropathy is a common clinical kidney disease, are of primary glomerulonephritis in one. Hypertension, is one of the common symptoms of many kidney patients, but also in our daily life a common disease. So IGA nephropathy with hypertension serious? Here we ask kidney disease associated experts to tell you about, we want to help!

IGA nephropathy, also known as Berger's disease, is a special type of glomerulonephritis, mainly in children and young people, often before the onset of upper respiratory tract infection, the lesion is characterized by mesangial proliferation, immunofluorescence examination showed mesangial District IgA deposition.

IGA severity vary widely, early lesions are mild, were focal, only a few have mild glomerular mesangial broadening and stage hyperplasia, focal proliferative changes may develop focal sclerosis. Some of the more obvious lesions may diffuse mesangial proliferation, crescent formation and occasionally may have. IGA nephropathy associated with mild hypertension, considered serious?

Hypertension can accelerate the deterioration of IGA nephropathy, IGA nephropathy same lack of effective control of blood pressure will be higher. Antihypertensive, well what kind of doctor you for antihypertensive drugs, less damage to the kidneys can be long-term use. IGA nephropathy associated with mild hypertension, considered serious? Diet Shanghao low-salt diet. Eat less greasy, eating vegetable protein (soy products category), drink less pigment drinks. Your current situation is not bad, keep, aggressive treatment will not have anything, as to marry and have children is certainly no problem. Good control of the disease, good conditioning of the body will not have any impact in life

Blood pressure can cause renal damage, it can accelerate the deterioration of iga nephropathy. IGA nephropathy associated with mild hypertension, considered serious? Antihypertensive drugs should eat as soon as possible, starting with control of blood pressure to proceed. Eat more soy products in their daily diet, pay attention to eat less salt, eat spicy food, tobacco and alcohol. You can also eat the proper foods kidney, but more critical is to control blood pressure.

Through the introduction of the above-mentioned experts, severe hypertension associated with it if you are have a certain understanding of IGA nephropathy? And if you still want to know what can and online expert consultation, online kidney specialist will provide you with The most comprehensive answer!


What are the symptoms of end stage renal disease iga

iga nephropathy great harm to health, IGA nephropathy presenting symptoms at different times is not the same. iga-stage renal disease What are the symptoms of it? IGA nephropathy in patients with advanced various body systems will show obvious symptoms, serious impact on patient health and life IGA nephropathy. IGA nephropathy is a chronic renal disease, at different stages exhibit different symptoms. iga-stage renal disease What are the symptoms of it? Early symptoms in all aspects of the body Jieyou performance. IGA-stage renal disease are the following symptoms:
1, the metabolic disorder is one of the early symptoms of iga nephropathy uremic patients have varying degrees of metabolic disorders. Hyperlipidemia but the result of fat metabolism disorders.
2. What are the symptoms of advanced iga nephropathy it? Anemia is iga nephropathy patients must have symptoms. Erythropoietin reduce the risk of kidney disease after. Retention metabolites remain mature erythrocytes and inhibition of erythrocyte membrane damage shorten its life, the presence of toxic substances into the pigment of red blood cells inhibited the activity of the blood of uremic anorexia, diarrhea, and easy bleeding caused by iron deficiency, folate deficiency and protein deficiency, loss of protein in the urine is also a cause of anemia.
3, IGA nephritis late digestive disorder symptoms will appear, IGA nephritis patients with the earliest symptoms are loss of appetite or digestive indigestion; exacerbations can occur when anorexia, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. These symptoms may occur with intestinal bacteria urease speak decomposition of ammonia in urine, ammonia stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa causing inflammation and multiple small superficial ulcers and so on. Patients often complicated by gastrointestinal bleeding. Also nausea, vomiting and dysfunction toxin also acts on the central nervous system caused by related.
4. What are the symptoms of advanced iga nephropathy it? Iga nephropathy immunity appears immune system will make people fall late even for the average person the common cold it is also a big problem.
5, the cardiovascular system iga nephritis often have high blood pressure, which is mainly due to water and sodium retention, and also part of renin activity increased, reduce the secretion of prostaglandins and so on. Longer-term expansion of hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy causes, myocardial damage, heart failure, and cause systemic small arteriosclerosis. Renal arteriosclerosis time and accelerated deterioration of renal function. Retention of toxic substances, including increased thyroxine can cause myocardial damage, pericardial effusion occurred uremic syndrome, severe cardiac tamponade can occur. Uremic pericarditis is one condition for the re-performance, myocardial metastatic calcium would severely damage the heart function.
6. What are the symptoms of advanced iga nephropathy it? Respiratory symptoms acidosis in patients breathing slow and deep can be seen in severe respiratory acidosis particularity. Niaowei patient exhaled gases, which is due to the bacterial decomposition of urea sleep liquid form ammonia sake. Pulmonary edema can occur in patients, cellulose pleurisy is inflammation of urea stimulation; lung calcification calcium deposition in the lung tissue due.


IgA nephropathy patients for which exercise to do

IgA nephropathy patients for which sport do? Exercise therapy varied as walking, cycling, swimming, jogging, tai chi, gymnastics, martial arts and other patients to choose the appropriate exercise according to their physical and be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, especially To pay attention to the relationship between exercise and rest to avoid fatigue and aggravate disease IgA nephropathy exercise therapy in clinical practice and live mainly in the traditional sports-based health care approach.
The main characteristics of traditional sports health approach is static and dynamic binding internally and externally both physically and mentally calm emotional dependency is satisfied that the intended easy and natural to concentrate to win their hearts to nurture upright exercise that is moving in the spirit of peace of mind and emotional state of the qi and blood thinning proficient strong network tendons and bones with strong profits slip joint body, adjusting the internal organs in order to keep moving in order to quiet repose shape moving in quietly in action "action in static," that is, when the motion to maintain a peaceful state of mind to concentrate on "static in action" is To maintain the natural harmony breathing only dynamic and static meaning, gas, keep close coordination body within three to practice refined gas outside the living God, blood and viscera strong bones. So what is suitable for patients with IgA nephropathy movement, this movement must be to slow.
When sports health exercise to do what, gradual and sustained a variety of traditional sports people have different characteristics according to their circumstances such as age, physical, occupational, etc., the actual needs and interests and to choose the right method can also be based on different time , place, occasion and choose the appropriate item in the exercise appropriate selected items are not necessarily confined to a particular application can be integrated or alternatively interspersed in terms of exercise and should gradually increase the technical difficulty and must not be forced to pay attention to moderation and hasty exercise should be carried out under the guidance of a doctor or coach in addition to doing the pulse, respiration, blood pressure monitoring may also refer to the outer "acid addition, pain reduction, Ma stop" principle as the muscles after exercise feel sorrow and grief only slightly bulging heavy lifting activities can continue to maintain the original sense of the amount of exercise or slightly increase the number of topical pain should reduce the amount of exercise or sports such as numbness replace induction stop motion and find out the reason to do further processing to enhance physical fitness, treatment of disease often work short span of time in order to be effective So there is a process to persevere, especially in order to insist on more time to be achieved initial results make the effect to consolidate and further improved.
These are suitable for presentation in patients with IgA nephropathy do what movement, saw the introduction of experts, is not understand it, if you have any other questions, want to know, you can click on the online consultation, and kidney expert online communication. Will give you a satisfactory answer, relieve your pain, returned to you a perfectly healthy body. Sincerely wish a speedy recovery to all patients!


Iga nephropathy got how to do it

ga nephropathy everyone is familiar with, right? iga nephropathy had related how to do it if you know it? Surely the problem is that many of iga nephropathy patients specifically want to know about. Then we look together had iga nephropathy how to do it? I hope to give patients to bring help!

Iga nephropathy got how to do it? Here we introduce iga nephropathy proper care methods are there?

iga nephropathy care for the rehabilitation of their patients is a very important role, iga nephropathy patients also should pay attention to rest and avoid strenuous exercise, excessive fatigue, diet should be light, not eat spicy, greasy food.

Typical clinical manifestations of iga nephropathy patients was asymptomatic hematuria, it is a group of diseases characterized by having a common set of immunopathology nephropathy collectively, the pathological features of mesangial proliferation. Some accompanied by low back pain and abdominal pain. The main principle of treatment with rest, anti-inflammatory and symptomatic therapy. Iga nephropathy got how to do it? So, iga nephropathy patient during treatment, clinical care is more important. iga nephropathy treatments start from the following aspects:

(1) iga nephropathy pain care measures: 1, observe nature of pain, location, intensity, duration, etc. 2, explaining the cause of pain. 3, to help patients change position to relieve pain. 4, local heat or physical therapy. 5, let the patient listen to music, and talking to people to distraction to relieve pain. 6, was prescribed painkillers and to observe the efficacy and side effects.

(2) edema Nursing measures: how to do it had iga nephropathy 1, observe nature edema, location deterioration degree?. 2, when you want to wipe the body gently. So chafed skin so skin infections. 3, let iga nephropathy patients maintain a relaxed, happy mood. 4, follow the doctor's orders and observe the development of the disease.

(3) Additional iga nephropathy knowledge: how to do it had iga nephropathy 1 'for disease knowledge education, provide written materials and introduce the latest developments at home and abroad?. 2, explanation of early diagnosis: the need for biopsy and surgery before, precautions surgery. 3, simple hematuria, whether with or without proteinuria maintenance shall be based, not tired, anti-cold, timely cure infected lesions, caution nephrotoxic drugs. 4, chronic tonsillitis should be in the acute phase after tonsillectomy, can reduce kidney damage. 5, regularly check blood pressure, urine and renal function.

? Had iga iga nephropathy how to do it in the treatment of patients with kidney disease should also pay attention to maintaining good habits, such as:

1, iga nephropathy patients pay attention to rest. Rabbit avoid strenuous exercise, excessive fatigue. Mild person. Be gradual, appropriate exercise.

2, the diet should be light, not eat spicy. Greasy, hot goods. Eat less fried. The deep-fried food. Sim dry to prevent flare up, forcing the blood Wang Xing. Quit alcohol, section intercourse.



What pregnant women after iga nephropathy attention

What pregnant women after iga nephropathy attention? It is a symptom of many women who encounter, then you understand how much of this do? Next, let us take a look at the experts describes it.

? What pregnant women iga nephropathy note are:

1. To a reasonable diet, to ensure that nutrition, sufficient quantities of vitamin supplements to enhance physical fitness, reduce chances of infection.

2. Regularly check the urine, blood pressure, check kidney function. Especially late in pregnancy should be checked twice weekly urine, measure blood pressure every day, every 1 to 2 weeks check once kidney function. Such as the emergence of the body not suited for medical treatment as soon as possible.

3. To pay more attention to life conditioning, to ensure adequate rest and sleep.

4. To pay attention to warm cold, upper respiratory tract infection prevention, attention to the perineum clean, avoid sex, reducing the chance of urinary tract infection.

5. It should be noted skin cleansing and early treatment of dental caries.

What pregnant women after iga nephropathy attention? After a detailed description of the above text for this issue is that you are aware of it, if you have any questions on this please feel free to consult the online experts.


What is the cause of IgA nephritis

Because patients with IgA nephritis more and more, causing a lot of people's attention. So, what has it causes IgA nephritis? Here, we introduce with the kidney specialist analysis to understand together! I hope to help the patient friends.
What IgA nephritis cause? Foreign reports IgA nephritis annual incidence rate (2 to 45) / 100,000. Differences in the incidence of the crowd IgA nephritis different parts of the world, to the plains were more common. IgA nephritis, chronic glomerulonephritis in Europe and Australia accounted for the original. Kidney disease by 20% to 30%, while only 1% in South Africa. In China, IgA nephritis is the most common chronic renal disease, accounting for 45.3% of the original obligate chronic glomerulonephritis, chronic glomerular diseases accounted for 33.2% of the population.
IgA nephritis cause may be related to ethnic factors. The study found that African-American black IgA nephritis was lower than Caucasians of European descent; New Zealand Polynesian IgA nephritis incidence was significantly lower than Caucasians of European descent. Secondly, this difference may also be related to the biopsy indications. In the United States, patients without common symptoms are often not biopsy abnormal urinalysis; clinical manifestations pure occult blood or the urine of patients with mild protein increase only when proteinuria or serum creatinine rises to accept biopsy diagnosis. This makes early indications IgA nephritis rarely confirmed.
These are the causes of IgA nephritis caused Jingdong on the well-known kidney hospital experts to introduce what knowledge, we know some of this is not it. The well-known kidney hospital experts remind everyone must be timely prevention, timely detection and timely treatment, so as not to cause serious injury. If in doubt you can click online expert advice.


Experts IgA nephritis complications

For us to know how much IgA nephritis, IgA nephritis for what complications are aware of it. To address this issue, we analyze IgA nephritis, a kidney specialist with complications introduced what coming together to understand it! I hope to help the patient friends.

What IgA nephritis complications? Experts, the disease may have spontaneous remission, or about 4% to 20%. Each year, about 1% to 2% of the patients to end stage renal failure. Statistical analysis showed that the life expectancy table for 10 years graft survival was 80% to 90%. Estimation eventually developed into uremia about 35%. Rest for sustained hematuria or proteinuria. Poor prognosis factors: when the onset of renal insufficiency, proteinuria more than 1.5g / d, high blood pressure and no gross hematuria; renal biopsy glomerular sclerosis, interstitial fibrosis, glomerular capillary was violations, diffuse proliferative and diffuse crescent formation.

Featured nephropathy therapy to Chinese medicine yin and yang, the overall concept, the meridian theory as a guide, combined with modern medical theory immune balance, emphasizing the four diagnostic parameters, diagnosis and treatment, the use of rousing, blood circulation, dredge the meridians, detoxification Xiezhuo, within the disease external treatment methods such as two-way regulation of immune status, promote reticuloendothelial system function, remove inflammatory mediators restore effective renal circulation, antagonistic medicine side effects, so as to improve the clinical symptoms of kidney disease, reduce glomerular inflammation, alleviate or remove abnormal urinalysis (proteinuria or hematuria), improving residual renal function, and delay the purpose of renal failure.


What are the clinical manifestations of IgA nephritis

What are the clinical manifestations of IgA nephritis there? IgA nephritis many people are not very understanding, do you understand it? Next, ask your questions, along with the experts together to find some answers now.

What are the clinical manifestations of IgA nephritis? Typical cases of upper respiratory tract infection often after a few hours to 2 days, gross hematuria, usually lasting a few hours to several days, the individual up to one week. Such patients account for about 40% to 50% of the total, slightly higher in children. The individual may have severe back pain and abdominal pain, may be associated with intestinal IgA vasculitis. Another common manifestation of this disease is asymptomatic hematuria and / or proteinuria, 30 percent to 40 per cent of the total. Of which 20% to 25% of cases may occur once or several times in the course of gross hematuria.

Nephrotic syndrome seen in 5% to 20% of patients, children and youth case is more often the case with diffuse proliferative or without glomerulosclerosis. Also, sometimes mesangial IgA deposition based phenomenon can also occur in the foot process fusion with minimal change nephropathy is characterized in.

About less than 10% of patients with acute renal failure can be presented performance can often relieve itself. 20% to 25%, you may need dialysis, suffering from multiple crescent nephritis. In the course of the activities of those who have the quality of nitrogen retention is not uncommon, accounting for about 25%. When the onset of hypertension accounts for about 10%, then increased significantly after the onset of 30 years; with the duration of the extension, with hypertension over 40%.


Experts iga nephropathy can not eat anything

Many patients suffering from iga nephropathy understanding this disease is not a lot, experts remind us understand iga nephropathy can help you be effective in preventing the occurrence of the disease. So, what type iga nephropathy diagnosis? Here, we might as kidney disease experts together to understand it!

Experts point out that, iga nephropathy typing in the following areas:

1, episodes of gross hematuria: iga nephropathy in type more common in children. Its gross hematuria occurs mostly in the upper respiratory tract infection (tonsillitis) after acute gastroenteritis are also part of the attack or urinary tract infection at intervals more than 24 to 72 hours. Gross hematuria sustainable for several hours to several days, and then to persistent microscopic hematuria, hematuria may disappear in some patients, but often attack, reproduce gross hematuria attack, may be associated with mild systemic symptoms, such as muscle aches, painful urination, pain in the back, or a transient increase in blood pressure and blood urea nitrogen.

2, asymptomatic microscopic hematuria and proteinuria: iga nephropathy typing this for children and teenagers the main clinical manifestations of IgA nephropathy, often to be found in the physical examination, it can be expressed as a simple microscopic hematuria or microscopic hematuria with a small amount of protein Pee.

3, proteinuria: iga nephropathy type of mild proteinuria, urinary protein generally <1g / 24h, small number of patients with massive proteinuria or nephrotic syndrome.

4. Other iga nephropathy type: Part IgA nephropathy can occur in patients with nephrotic syndrome, acute progressive nephritic syndrome, renal failure, a few may appear waist and / or abdominal pain associated with hematuria.


Experts iga nephropathy Diagnostic Classification

Many patients suffering from iga nephropathy understanding this disease is not a lot, experts remind us understand iga nephropathy can help you be effective in preventing the occurrence of the disease. So, what type iga nephropathy diagnosis? Here, we might as kidney disease experts together to understand it!

Experts point out that, iga nephropathy typing in the following areas:

1, episodes of gross hematuria: iga nephropathy in type more common in children. Its gross hematuria occurs mostly in the upper respiratory tract infection (tonsillitis) after acute gastroenteritis are also part of the attack or urinary tract infection at intervals more than 24 to 72 hours. Gross hematuria sustainable for several hours to several days, and then to persistent microscopic hematuria, hematuria may disappear in some patients, but often attack, reproduce gross hematuria attack, may be associated with mild systemic symptoms, such as muscle aches, painful urination, pain in the back, or a transient increase in blood pressure and blood urea nitrogen.

2, asymptomatic microscopic hematuria and proteinuria: iga nephropathy typing this for children and teenagers the main clinical manifestations of IgA nephropathy, often to be found in the physical examination, it can be expressed as a simple microscopic hematuria or microscopic hematuria with a small amount of protein Pee.

3, proteinuria: iga nephropathy type of mild proteinuria, urinary protein generally <1g / 24h, small number of patients with massive proteinuria or nephrotic syndrome.

4. Other iga nephropathy type: Part IgA nephropathy can occur in patients with nephrotic syndrome, acute progressive nephritic syndrome, renal failure, a few may appear waist and / or abdominal pain associated with hematuria.


Follow iga nephropathy can be much longer

Iga nephropathy can be much longer had it? Because of the growing number of patients with this disease, the patient's life and work to bring a great impact. So, for iga nephropathy everyone know how much? Iga nephropathy suffering can be much longer? Here, we introduce expert analysis with kidney disease to learn it together!

Part IgA nephropathy patients and relieve itself, about 4% to 20%, each year about 1% to 2% to end stage renal failure cases. IgA nephropathy lifetime statistical analysis showed that, IgA nephropathy can live a decade about 80% to 90%, and eventually developed into uremia estimate by about 35%, the rest is sustained proteinuria or hematuria. Treatment of IgA nephropathy is also related to the ability to grasp the key to whether the long IgA nephropathy. Early promote myofibroblast apoptosis and immune complexes; reduce the synthesis of extracellular matrix, increasing its degradation, kidney damage organizations may also be partly repaired, kidney function may be gradually restored, kidney replacement therapy time it is possible to gradually extend, as well as gradually get rid of dialysis.

The early stages of the inflammatory response as long as the system standard treatment can be cured, if the treatment is purely symptomatic treatment, which is a simple elimination of hematuria or proteinuria, in withdrawal symptoms bound to bounce back again, because the traditional Western medicine can only characterize disease treatment, which is a temporary solution, but there are many side effects, patients with long-term use will produce dependence, gradually damage inherent in kidney cells, is not conducive to long-term health of the kidneys.


Experts iga nephropathy can be cured it

For iga nephropathy everyone know? Many people suffer from this disease are very worried, afraid of this disease is not treated in time will cause great harm. So, suffering iga nephropathy can be cured? Here, we introduce with kidney specialists to learn it together!

About iga nephropathy can not be cured, experts said: iga nephropathy lesions degree of difference is large, early lesions are mild, were focal, only a few have mild glomerular mesangial broadening and stage hyperplasia, focal hyperplasia changes may develop focal sclerosis. Some of the more obvious lesions may diffuse mesangial proliferation, crescent formation and occasionally may have. The most prominent feature is Immunofluorescence showed mesangial area lgA deposition, and at the same time and have fewer C3, lgG and IgM, and electron microscopy confirmed mesangial electron dense deposits.

The early stages of the inflammatory response as long as the system standard treatment can be cured, if the treatment is purely symptomatic treatment, which is a simple elimination of hematuria or proteinuria, in withdrawal symptoms bound to bounce back again, because the traditional Western medicine can only characterize disease treatment, which is a temporary solution, but there are many side effects, patients with long-term use will produce dependence, gradually damage inherent in kidney cells, is not conducive to long-term health of the kidneys.

Therefore, IgA nephropathy can cure it? Key to treatment is to block inflammation of the root causes of renal fibrosis, renal fibrosis pathological damage repair inflammatory response, blocking plus repair, as long as the repair in place, the symptoms will naturally disappearance will fundamentally cure iga nephropathy, and will not recur, so that iga nephropathy can be cured.



iga nephropathy can be cured it

Related iga nephropathy can cure it? Experts say, to find the specialized hospital for treatment, IgA nephropathy can be effectively controlled and even cured. We can not patronize the cure can be effective treatment of IgA nephropathy patients need further prevention, prompt aggressive treatment, while seeking to track the disease itself the right to plan effectively. Here we look at the specific bar.

iga nephropathy can cure it? Treatment of IgA nephropathy if Western-based, antihypertensive drugs lower blood pressure, immune inhibitor and cytotoxic blocking protein. After a brief remission of symptoms and then from time to time tend to exhibit disease progression. IgA nephropathy pathological lesions require treatment of symptoms resulting from the whole of modulating hands and kidneys.

treatment iga nephropathy. IgA nephropathy patients presented a large number of hematuria, proteinuria is one of the reasons the kidney tissue inflammation suffered injuries incurred glomerular filtration in urine protein, RBC aperture increases, the leakage of protein and occult blood increase.

Without hormones control a variety of immune inhibitor of kidney tissue inflammation response and reduce side effects of hormones produced. Western medicine has repercussions in terms of controlling inflammation its limitations, can not fully and thoroughly will cause an inflammatory response of clearing out toxic substances; the most important is that Western medicine can not resume normal glomerular injury.

We advise patients to use stem cells to repair therapy, stem cells can effectively repair damaged for repair of the glomerular basement membrane treatment, with the restoration of stem cells and normal renal function cells secrete immune factors that removes deposited on the base film complex with diseased tissue, repair damaged basement membrane.

Timely inhibit protein leakage, to cure disease and treatment purposes. Thus changing the advanced kidney disease and renal function is difficult to reverse the situation. Here recommend hospital professional treatment of uremia - kidney hospital authority, the use of stem cells to repair treatment, and achieved good results.


Iga nephropathy suffering What are the symptoms

He had iga nephropathy, in order to effectively treat, understand suffering symptoms iga nephropathy which is very important. In order to enable patients to better treatment, but also to let everyone can find the iga nephropathy, let us work together to look at suffering symptoms iga nephropathy have?

Iga nephropathy suffering from the symptoms of which, experts explained that in terms of the IgA nephropathy patients often proteinuria, microscopic hematuria, and gross hematuria, etc., when patients with these types of symptoms, should pay more attention, These patients will bring a very serious injury.

First, gross hematuria, generally occurring in children such hematuria, more than its gross hematuria after upper respiratory tract infection, are also part of the urinary tract infection or acute gastroenteritis episodes interval more than 24 to 72 hours.

Second, proteinuria, generally for patients with IgA nephropathy, will often be some mild proteinuria, and urinary protein generally <1g / 24h, while relatively small number of patients appears when proteinuria, nephrotic syndrome and then turned into, to He brought serious harm to patients.

Third, microscopic hematuria, hematuria more commonly occurs in adolescent patients with IgA nephropathy, which can be found only in the physical examination, it can be expressed as a simple microscopic hematuria or microscopic hematuria with a small amount of proteinuria.

Four other part, the disease can occur in patients with nephrotic syndrome, acute progressive nephritic syndrome, renal failure, a few may abdominal pain hematuria.

Iga nephropathy suffering from the symptoms of which, they clearly would you do? Read so much, surely you already know. If you want to know more, you can click directly contact experts, our experts will make you a free detailed answers!


What iga nephropathy eat a good diet

Had kidney disease, diet is also very important. Here we tell you about what iga nephropathy diet eat better? Hopefully we'll be able to give the majority of the patients has brought some help! If you have any questions, please consult long-City Network Health Channel.

iga nephropathy diet eat what is good, experts say so.

When IgA nephropathy in the acute stage, depending on the clinical manifestations, differentiation of traditional therapy can be divided into wind-heat toxin lung and stomach dampness, Firelight flaming, damp stomach, bladder damp heat type, in which the wind-heat toxin lung and stomach dampness type the most common. Wind-heat toxin lung and stomach dampness acute exacerbation of IgA nephropathy, showing fever, slightly bad cold, headache, cough, sore throat, urine redness or microscopic hematuria, red tongue tip, thin white or thin yellow, pulse floating like. We should adopt the evacuation of wind-heat, detoxification Liyan, cooling blood to stop bleeding and other rule is, the following diet to restore party, for appropriate use.

Yinhua, reed rhizome, thistle each 30g, forsythia, habitat 15g, Nepeta, Campanulaceae 10g, Semen, raw licorice 6g, seven powder 2g, red bean, rice each 60g, sugar amount. In the first nine flavor decoction juice, into the red bean, rice boiled thin thick porridge, plus 37 flour, sugar, seasoning boil. One day, divided into 2 doses.

Firelight flaming treatment acute exacerbation of IgA nephropathy diet to restore party

Firelight flaming acute exacerbation of IgA nephropathy, mind vexed hot, mouth sores, redness or microscopic hematuria in urine, red tongue, thin yellow fur, rapid pulse and so on. Should adopt pure heart Chufan, cooling hemostatic rule is, the following diet to restore only selected as appropriate.

Thistle 30g, habitat 20g, rhizome 15g, bamboo 12g, fried gardenia, green hay each 10g, rice 100g, sugar amount. The first six taste decoction juice, into the rice cook thin thick porridge, add sugar seasoning. One day, divided into 2 doses.

iga nephropathy diet eat what good has it? You know? Besides expert advice, with the problem but also to promptly resolve is the key. If you have any questions, please consult long-City Network Health Channel.


iga nephropathy can cure it

We know iga nephropathy can cure it? IgA nephropathy patients need aggressive treatment promptly, and must obey the doctor's advice, but to find an effective program for the disease. These are very important, and here we can go to listen to the experts say.

Authority kidney hospital experts, iga nephropathy treatment.

IgA nephropathy patients presented a large number of hematuria, proteinuria is one of the reasons the kidney tissue inflammation suffered injuries incurred glomerular filtration in urine protein, RBC aperture increases, the leakage of protein and occult blood increase.

Without hormones control a variety of immune inhibitor of kidney tissue inflammation response and reduce side effects of hormones produced. Western medicine has repercussions in terms of controlling inflammation its limitations, can not fully and thoroughly will cause an inflammatory response of clearing out toxic substances; the most important is that Western medicine can not resume normal glomerular injury.

Traditional therapy holographic therapy treating the symptoms, repair damaged kidney tissues and restore kidney function. After traditional therapies holographic therapy ionized active drug substance smaller than the traditional Chinese medicine molecules help the body absorb 1,000 times more.

The most important traditional Chinese medicine not only stopped after ionization targeted therapy for renal lesions, but also be able to recover the damaged kidney tissues to provide nutrition, glomerular filter pore size will be in the gradual process of gradually made too large to restoration of normal size, proteinuria, hematuria will naturally fade away.

Experts recommend the authority of stem cells to repair kidney hospital treatment, the stem cells can be effective for repairing damaged glomerular basement membrane repair treatment, with the restoration of stem cells and normal renal function cells secrete factors that removes deposits in the basement membrane Immune complexes on the diseased tissue, repair damaged basement membrane. Timely inhibit protein leakage, to cure disease and treatment purposes. Thus changing the advanced kidney disease and renal function is difficult to reverse the situation. Here recommend hospital professional treatment of uremia - kidney hospital authority, the use of stem cells to repair treatment, and achieved good results.

iga nephropathy can cure? You do not know if there is, you can go to a regular hospital for counseling, treatment, kidney hospital authority is your good choice, you can click on the online experts to contact, you are welcome to come to consult.


IgA nephropathy treatment with conventional therapy can do

Sometimes in order to confirm the diagnosis of disease, the doctor will do some patients with renal function tests, then IgA nephropathy can use traditional remedies it? Does anyone know if traditional therapies to treat kidney disease? We hear it authority kidney hospital experts to serve us We talk about IgA nephropathy traditional therapy methods.

Experts said, IgA nephropathy is not accompanied by a group of systemic diseases, immune pathology biopsy in glomerular mesangial area with granular IgA deposition mainly on clinical hematuria glomerular nephritis.

IgA nephropathy can then use traditional therapies do now, the more cutting-edge tools for IgA nephropathy is:? Traditional Chinese medicine with Western medicine symptomatic treatment therapy, a large number of clinical trials show that the traditional drug therapy and combination therapy effect is far better than Western medicine treatment, especially in the control of short-term clinical symptoms, improve quality of life, improve the poor prognosis is particularly significant, although 4% of patients with IgA nephropathy hematuria relieve itself, but there is still 1% -2% of patients each year develop chronic renal failure - uremia.

Therefore, the active intervention of hematuria is very important. That is the most favorable to seize the opportunity, early and timely treatment. According to the latest study showed that a group: IgA nephropathy is different from other types of kidney disease, any positive early stage should pay close attention to the treatment, there is the possibility of reversal. Even if it is found from IgA nephropathy IgA nephropathy renal failure has become, as long as the active treatment, recovery of renal function is not impossible.

Long uninterrupted protect the kidney, kidney disease is a chronic, long-term adherence to. From the beginning to protect the kidneys function-blocking treatment to blocking renal fibrosis after day repair damaged nephron date, until you reach the uremia has done it.

In addition, prevention and treatment: prevention of colds. After a cold fever, can make symptoms worse hematuria IgA nephropathy. Caution detrimental to kidney drugs. Remind doctors when the doctor, they have IgA nephropathy.

Work and rest appropriately. According to the theory of traditional therapy, IgA nephropathy is caused due to deficiencies or excessive troubles wasting organs, blood yin and yang depletion caused by the disease, their condition is essentially wasting organs, especially the lack of yin essence, and overwork can be consumed gas disability allowance, so that sicker. Therefore we must work and rest appropriately, not too tired, to prevent worse.

If the most number of patients with IgA nephropathy can truly be "caught early, adhere to long-term, the key to the present, emphasizing the joint" four big points, it can effectively restore impaired kidney function, to the greatest extent avoided IgA Dangerous nephropathy renal failure comes the well-known kidney specialist hospitals:! is the good kidney specialist hospitals and the most authoritative treatment of kidney disease in Western medicine and new therapies for the treatment of kidney disease hospital.


What precautions have it iga nephropathy

Suffering iga nephropathy, must pay attention to the usual care, then what has it iga nephropathy precautions? Our development in order to prevent more serious illness, must be a good look, listen authority kidney hospital experts tell us iga nephropathy attention What's it matter?

Experts, iga nephropathy, local lesion type active elimination of predisposing and contributing factors, as indicated in the respiratory tract, skin, intestine, urinary tract infections, cure boils, fungal infections, tonsillitis due to repeated induced hematuria hair of feasible tonsillectomy surgery, children are advised to timely prepuce circumcision. Once the inflammation, infection, active treatment.

To pay attention to rest, overwork, strenuous exercise, can often hematuria increased, it should be done living with restraint, pay attention to bed rest, moderate exercise, to prevent late at night, fatigue and strenuous exercise.

In terms of spiritual recuperation, where patients suffering from hematuria, have varying degrees of mental stress, depression and pessimism. Therefore, in everyday life, we should always pay attention to words and deeds, panic, shouting, etc. will increase the patient's anxiety and fear, it is the spirit nursed back to health is very important. Minimize the adverse mental stimulation of the patient, to feel comfortable, to facilitate the rehabilitation of the disease.

In addition experts suggest that we must prevent exogenous. The disease is often due to upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis leaving sicker, it should prevent a cold, such as poor physical fitness, colds, could moderate exercise, increase the resistance, to prevent upper respiratory tract infection, and taking medicine Yupingfengsan In Qi solid form.

Many factors affect the long-term prognosis of IgA nephropathy, the most common in elderly men onset or persistent hematuria with massive proteinuria, or in patients with severe hypertension, etc., for such cases should be closely observed, attaches great importance to, and give timely and reasonable protective measures, thereby blocking IgA nephropathy before renal failure development process to achieve the purpose of anti-change treatment.

What looked iga nephropathy above considerations there? Know it at all. Friends think explain how? Kidney hospital authority, it is strongly recommended to be nephropathy troubled friend. Look forward to your speedy recovery.


What are the symptoms of clinical manifestations of IgA nephritis is

What are the symptoms of clinical manifestations of IgA nephritis is? How much do you understand this question? Presumably this is a lot of people's questions, whether you are on this clear? Let's take a look at the experts describes it.

What are the symptoms of clinical manifestations of IgA nephritis is the main?:

(1) patients with asymptomatic urinary abnormalities, only to find microscopic blood in the physical examination. Urine and mild proteinuria, occasionally casts. After the disappearance of gross hematuria, about 60% of patients will relapse after respiratory tract infection, hematuria again. Some people think that may reduce or eliminate the urine after a tonsillectomy. The more common type. In children, 80% to 95% of children showed gross hematuria IgA nephropathy.

(2) patients because of upper respiratory tract infection or gastrointestinal, l ~ after 2 days of urinary tract infections hematuria for several hours or several days, into microscopic hematuria, after having varying degrees of proteinuria or microscopic hematuria. A small number of patients may have a transient increase in blood pressure and blood urea nitrogen, individual patients and even acute oliguric renal failure syndrome, but after symptomatic treatment and rest can be mitigated.

Above is for IgA nephritis clinical symptoms are described in detail what, after seeing that you are aware of this, and if you have any questions please feel free to consult the online experts.


Clinical manifestations of IgA nephropathy Children

Children IgA nephropathy clinical manifestations are what Can you understand? Children IgA nephropathy is more common in children, but many parents do not understand this, you know it, then, we take a look at the experts describes it.

Children IgA nephropathy (also known as IgA mesangial nephropathy) is a special group of immune pathological types of primary glomerular diseases. Children IgA nephropathy with hematuria the most common symptoms, atypical syndrome or nephrotic syndrome with acute onset form of nephritis, IgA nephropathy in children before the onset of frequent respiratory or digestive tract, urinary tract infection, male to female ratio of 2: 1 .

Children IgA nephropathy clinical manifestations:

1. Children IgA nephropathy episodes of hematuria: 1 to 5 days after infection in children often (mostly within 48 hours) suddenly appears hematuria, not associated with urinary symptoms, high blood pressure and swelling and other symptoms of glomerular disease, hematuria for 1 to 5 days quickly disappeared. Gross hematuria can be recurrent, intermittent varying lengths.

2. Children IgA nephropathy persistent hematuria: Children often found in the urine examination, continued for a long time does not go away, not accompanied by or with mild proteinuria.

3. Children IgA nephropathy other manifestations: children 4 to 10% of acute nephritic syndrome onset, 10% onset nephrotic syndrome, a few cases with rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis and rapidly progressive renal failure onset, very few cases In chronic renal insufficiency and hypertension onset.

For a detailed description above is full of children with IgA nephropathy clinical manifestations, if your child has symptoms of more, please go to regular hospital, so as not to adversely affected by illness.


iga nephropathy Lee grading

Many people iga nephropathy Lee grading are not very clear, you know? If you are interested, we ask you to follow the experts with questions together a detailed understanding of understanding of it.

(A) iga nephropathy Lee grade level Ⅰ:

Patients with this stage of the vast majority of normal glomerular occasional mild mesangial widening (segments) with and (or) not associated with cell proliferation, tubular and interstitial there is no change, this is the most hierarchical Lee a type of light.

(B) iga nephropathy Lee Ⅱ grade level:

This period is shown patients with glomerular mesangial proliferation and focal sclerosis (<50%), there is a rare small crescent, between tubular and renal interstitial without damage. This issue with respect to the first part of the lesion is severe, the light microscope for the focal lesion, the lesion affected the minority glomeruli (focal) and glomerular portion leaflets (segments).

(C) iga nephropathy Lee grade level Ⅲ:

When patients showed diffuse glomerular mesangial proliferation and broadening (and occasionally focal segmental), occasional small crescent; renal tubular and interstitial changes are showing between focal renal interstitial edema, occasionally cell infiltration, tubular atrophy rare.

Cell infiltration can lead to inflammation, this time to stop if not, in the course of the inflammatory response in renal cell phenotype transformation occurs, and will release a series of induced renal toxicity factor. The area will be increased glomerular sclerosis, tubular atrophy will increase, there will be between renal vascular renal interstitial fibrosis.

(D) IgA nephropathy Lee Ⅳ grade level:

Glomerular lesions showed severe diffuse mesangial proliferation and sclerosis, some or all of glomerulosclerosis, visible crescent (<45%). Tubular atrophy, interstitial infiltration, and occasionally renal interstitial foam cells.

Typing this crescent take an example: this type crescent close to 50%, can be said that if patients do not pay attention, it will most likely achieve this figure, but studies have shown that when the crescent exceeds glomerular When more than 50 percent of the total, is the crescent glomerulonephritis (or crescent iga nephropathy), which is other than domestic lupus nephritis most common type II - immune complex glomerulonephritis crescent, its severity without saying The metaphor.

(V) IgA nephropathy Lee Ⅴ grade level:

Nature glomerular lesions similar level Ⅳ, but more severe glomerular crescent formation> 45%; between tubular and renal interstitial lesions similar level Ⅳ, but more serious.

This disease of IgA nephropathy IgA nephropathy is the most serious, it is also the most difficult to treat, iga nephropathy treatment and Ⅳ stage treatment is no different, but the need for more stringent treatment, perhaps in the treatment time will be relatively long.

Text above is for the detailed introduction to iga nephropathy Lee grading, saw the introduction of the full text of this if you later have to understand it, if you have any questions, please feel free to consult with experts to understand.
