
IgA nephropathy edema how maintenance

The main clinical symptom iga nephropathy in patients with hematuria, including gross hematuria or microscopic hematuria, but there are a small part of Iga nephropathy patients showed symptoms of nephrotic syndrome, the "three high and one low" degree of edema, hyperlipidemia, a large number of proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia. For those iga nephropathy in patients with edema phenomenon, how to perform self-care is a very important issue. Below please go to this kidney health experts to tell you about IgA nephropathy edema how maintenance?

Patients need daily attention to the following points:

1, bed rest. Supine increase renal blood flow and improve glomerular filtration rate, reduce sodium retention, edema patient bed rest and activity alternately, to limit the amount of activity, severe edema bed rest, and raise the limb edema facilitate blood return and reduce edema.

2, diet. Limit sodium and water and protein intake

(1) water and salt intake, edema, urine output> 1000ml / d, without undue restriction of water, sodium restriction at 3g / d or less, including sodium foods and beverages, such as sausages, bacon, canned food, etc., Severe edema oliguria daily water intake limits in 1000ml, into salt-free diet, sugar, vinegar, onions and other seasonings mouth to increase appetite.

(2) intake of protein, low-protein diet can slow the progression of renal damage, severe edema with hypoalbuminemia protein intake of patients, the daily per kilogram 1g, more than 60% of high-quality protein, in patients with mild edema Each Day protein 0.5-0.6 / kg, more than 60% of high-quality protein such as eggs, lean meat, fresh milk, protein intake must be accompanied by adequate caloric intake, daily 126-147KJ / kg.

3, to protect parts of the skin to prevent skin damage and edema

(1) the patient should wear a broad anti-soft cotton clothes, holding flat bed drying, often turning to avoid pressure on bony prominences parts of the skin.

(2) regularly with warm sponge bath or shower, frequently changes underwear, mouthwash after meals, wash once daily perineum, keeping the skin clean to prevent infection.

(3) In the case does not violate the principles of diet, try to eat nutritious food in order to improve the body's resistance, help repair damaged skin.

4, to avoid incentives. Chronic kidney disease, often due to upper respiratory tract infection or infection of other parts of overwork, mood changes, excessive salt and water and other food made it worse, so that the edema, should avoid such incentives, to maintain a good mood and lifestyle, positive control diet , with treatment and care, promote the recovery of the disease.

(1) changes with the weather change clothes, to prevent the flu, avoid going to crowded public places.

(2) pay attention to rest.

(3) establish the confidence to overcome the disease, maintain an optimistic attitude, keeping Mind comfortable, establish a good attitude towards life.

(4) Regular communication with colleagues, friends, exchange ideas, to prevent excessive depression.


