
How to identify IgA nephropathy

IgA nephritis (IgA glomerulonephritis) is a recurrent gross or microscopic hematuria, glomerular mesangial cell proliferation, matrix increase, with extensive deposits of IgA characteristics of primary glomerular disease. Berger in 1968 first described the disease, it is also called Berger's disease. In addition, also known as IgA-IgG mesangial deposits of IgA mesangial glomerulonephritis and nephritis. IgA nephropathy also be interpreted as renal biopsy immunofluorescence glomerular mesangial a large granular IgA deposition is characterized by primary glomerular disease.

Before the onset of signs of IgA nephritis

1. Urine color: urine was dark brown, wash the meat water samples, such as soy sauce or turbid when Taomi, seek medical attention immediately.

2. urine foam more, long-term does not disappear: Description more protein excretion in the urine.

3. Too much or too little urine: normal urine output averaged about 1500 ml per day, 4-8 times a day. If there is no fever, profuse sweating, a lot of drinking water, urine volume appeared suddenly plummeted or increased, it is necessary to the hospital, and see if it is kidney disease.

4. Nocturia: normal within 60 years, the general should not have frequent nocturia, nocturnal increase if young people, it may be an early manifestation of renal function.

5. edema: the morning after the eyelid or facial edema subsided in the afternoon, tired after the increase, rest after mitigation. Severe edema occur inside the ankles, lower limbs, lumbosacral like.

6. The low back pain: no clear cause of back pain, you should check the kidneys, spine and lumbar back muscles.

7. The men may have performance (emission, Hua Jing, infertility) aspects of functional disorders.

Clinical manifestations

Typical cases of upper respiratory tract infection often after a few hours to 2 days gross hematuria, proteinuria, usually lasting a few hours to several days, the individual up to one week. Such patients account for about 40% to 50% of the total, slightly higher in children. The individual may have severe back pain and abdominal pain, may be associated with intestinal IgA vasculitis. Another common manifestation of this disease is asymptomatic hematuria or proteinuria, 30 percent to 40 per cent of the total. Of which 20% to 25% of cases may occur once or several times in the course of gross hematuria.

Nephrotic syndrome seen in 5% to 20% of patients, children and youth case is more often the case with diffuse proliferative or without glomerulosclerosis. Also, sometimes mesangial IgA deposition based phenomenon can also occur in the foot process fusion with minimal change nephropathy is characterized in.

About less than 10% of patients with acute renal failure can be presented performance can often relieve itself. 20% to 25%, you may need dialysis, suffering from multiple crescent nephritis. In the course of the activities of those who have the quality of nitrogen retention is not uncommon, accounting for about 25%. When the onset of hypertension accounts for about 10%, then increased significantly after the onset of 30 years; with the duration of the extension, with hypertension over 40%.


