
iga nephropathy what to eat good fruit?

After iga nephropathy patients had dietary requirements are more stringent, if not pay attention to the patient, then it will affect the treatment of their condition, so patients need to understand their diet, do not let your bad eating and affect disease treatment. Fruit is now the most common life, fruits rich rich nutrients for our health plays a significant role, but also we are more friendly, then iga nephropathy diet needs attention to what fruit?

IgA nephropathy diet should eat fresh, regular fruit. The following is a detailed description:

Watermelon, watermelon water content and more, it is a refreshing summer good fruit, but the meat cold, physically weak elderly who eat more prone to abdominal pain or diarrhea; severe heart failure and edema patients should not eat.

Apple, the Apple contains a lot of carbohydrates and potassium, eating too much is not conducive to heart and kidney health; coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, kidney disease, diabetes should not eat. Apple is iga nephropathy fruit diet need to pay attention.

Lychee, litchi continuous consumption of large amount, will make people pale, dizziness, palpitation, cold sweats, yawning, fatigue and other symptoms, which is due to exogenous lychee cause low blood sugar reaction caused, medically known as "litchi disease".

Persimmon, persimmon meat contains a lot of tannin, persimmon plastic phenol, tannin and strong convergence, so constipation patients should not eat.

Banana, banana cold, with sodium and more suffering from chronic nephritis, hypertension, edema patients who in particular should be careful to eat; the large banana sugar, people with diabetes should eat less.

Citrus, citrus cool, stomach, intestine, kidney, lung function Deficiency the elderly should not eat, so as not to induce pain, weak waist and other symptoms; also eat more oranges easy to get angry, cause mouth sores, red eyes swollen poison, induced hemorrhoids; oranges contain carotene said, overeating cause yellow pigment on the skin pigmentation, and therefore iga nephropathy diet taboos need to eat, to avoid damage to the kidneys.


