
What reason IgA nephropathy caused pain it?

IgA nephropathy to cause harm to the patient's life is great, patients need to pay more attention, following what causes IgA nephropathy for abdominal pain and will help us to answer what I hope is helpful to patients.

1, the reasons for IgA nephropathy caused by abdominal pain, simple nephrotic proteinuria IGA will give the time to the onset of proteinuria as the first symptom is usually the symptom in pediatric patients who show very significant, the majority showed mild or moderate proteinuria No swelling and other symptoms of kidney damage.

2, the onset of pain in the process of IGA nephropathy patients usually occurs unbearable pain disorders, which are often systemic small vasculitis performance. Further electron microscope display of small intestinal artery injury was fibrinoid necrosis, IGA, C3 and fibrin deposition has also been supported by IGA gastrointestinal damage. Low back pain with urinary retention or temporary oliguria may line small blood clots in the urinary tract obstruction caused by a temporary occurrence.

3. What causes IgA nephropathy pain it rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, in which the incidence of patient's heart and brain health will be unburdened, while renal function in patients with abrupt deterioration in the short term, there is extensive biopsy (50%? - 100%) in the form of glomerular crescents. Severe hematuria can occur due to acute tubular renal tubular hemoglobin toxicity and obstruction tubular necrosis.


