
Lupus renal failure (cell therapy) What symptoms

Symptoms of lupus renal failure have? Patient you know it? Early symptoms of lupus renal failure is elevated serum creatinine, but to the middle and late symptoms of lupus renal failure not only elevated serum creatinine, and we take a look at what the specific symptoms of lupus renal failure is late?

Clinical symptoms of lupus renal failure

Progression to lupus nephritis patients with residual renal unit can not be adjusted to adapt to the body's minimum requirements, lupus renal failure symptoms will gradually manifested. When kidney function is close to a complete loss of time, the symptoms of lupus nephritis renal failure patients is very obvious, but because of the different circumstances of the patient, the patient's renal disease will be different. Here are some of the symptoms of lupus renal illness:

1, for patients, edema is one of the more typical symptoms. Some patients with lupus nephritis appears puffiness. Decreased urine output, frequent urination (especially at night). Hand ankle swelling. Other symptoms are shortness of breath, swelling around the eyes.

2, serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen increased significantly, causing physical discomfort. Lupus renal failure patients almost completely lost kidney function, toxins and waste continues to accumulate in the body, the patient may feel malaise. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, sleep well at night, loss of appetite, itching and fatigue. This time for the patient, dialysis is a temporary relief of symptoms, the necessary measures to ensure a life, so the disease has been developed to remind patients of renal failure do not blindly exclusion dialysis.

3, anemia is a typical symptom of lupus nephritis patients. As the patient suffered damage kidney function, the body can not produce enough red blood cells needed for the manufacture of hormones, resulting in anemia. Anemia often feel cold and tired.

Lupus renal lupus kidney disease is mainly treated early, or a method shall not be treated caused by kidney failure. At this point there will be some of the symptoms, which means that as soon as possible to treat the disease.

Symptoms of lupus renal failure have? Through the understanding of the post-believe patients already know some, but lupus nephritis patients should pay attention, if not treated in a timely manner or method of treatment using the wrong time can easily lead to kidney failure, so patients In the treatment must be careful to select scientific and effective method of treatment is very important!


