
Tell your IgA nephropathy is Editor's Note

In the year has not carried out as a biopsy of the kidney biopsy, is not aware of the existence of IgA nephropathy, and glomerulonephritis were mixed to together, it is difficult to know the truth.

There is a human immunoglobulin A, i.e. IgA. Since the respiratory or gastrointestinal infections, as well as other reasons not yet clear, the body or multimeric IgA increased, with blood deposition in glomerular mesangial area caused the disease, but known as IgA nephropathy. Its lesions in the glomeruli, so it is a nephritis.

IgA nephropathy is mainly repeated episodes of hematuria gap, of course, can also other similar nephritis proteinuria, edema, hypertension, and even renal insufficiency. Because the only rely on the diagnosis of glomerular check whether there IgA deposition, therefore, must renal biopsy to establish the diagnosis.

The so-called renal biopsy, under local anesthesia, with B ultrasound imaging for guidance, with a tiny biopsy needle through the skin to reach the kidneys, "draw" some kidney tissue with a microscope (including light microscopy, immunofluorescence microscope and electron microscope) examination to establish whether this disease. Renal biopsy is actually quite safe, kidney tissue removed are generally 10 glomeruli, for a person has two million glomeruli, the 10 glomeruli is negligible "loss." Never mind.

IgA nephropathy is quite common, with renal biopsy improve technology, increase the number of accepted through the kidneys, the incidence rate will be more cases. In general, the majority of the disease develops slowly, the prognosis is good, as long as adherence to treatment, often to protect the kidneys, slow disease progression, the purpose of maintaining stable renal function. Specific drugs doctors should be selected according to the condition of patients. For individuals, the key lies in eight words: self-protection, adherence to treatment.

IgA nephropathy There are two general types of performance, first class rapid onset of acute hematuria, acute episodes of macroscopic hematuria onset of signs, whereas before, often without a history of abnormal urine tests. Occurred more common in children, its gross hematuria more common in upper respiratory tract infections (colds), the there are a few patients after the onset of gastrointestinal infections, mostly for 24-48 hours interval, visually hyperlipidemia sustainable for several hours or several days, a few In addition to patients with gross hematuria outside there are a number of other similar manifestations of acute nephritis such as a transient high blood pressure and elevated serum creatinine, but usually after remission. Such patients in the first episode of gross hematuria, often marks the beginning of the disease, then the patient may have varying degrees of proteinuria and (or) microscopic hematuria. After the disappearance of gross hematuria. About 60% of patients will again appear, mostly in relapse after respiratory infections. The second category is asymptomatic urinary abnormalities, persistent or intermittent microscopic hematuria, mild proteinuria, occasionally casts. Often found proteinuria and (or) hematuria in the examination, prior to this, proteinuria, and (or) hematuria is often difficult to determine how much longer. As the disease progresses, some patients may appear proteinuria (greater than 3.5 grams per day) and severe hypertension and chronic renal failure.

In Western medicine there is currently no specific treatment methods, but there are several aspects to a use. ① avoid invasive antigens: for gross hematuria after repeated hair of infection, tonsillectomy and dental lesions and other purulent lesions debridement may have some benefits, ② corticosteroids (such as prednisone) is mainly used with IgA nephropathy nephrotic syndrome, the same usage with renal syndrome. ③ to oral anti-platelet aggregation drugs such as aspirin and dipyridamole. ④ vascular converting enzyme inhibitor, to treat hypertension is very effective, and may slow the progression of IgA nephropathy. ⑤ combination therapy is the treatment of IgA nephropathy better way. Many reports in the literature and our experience, have proved that it has a certain effect.

IgA nephropathy is not a benign disease. There are many patients can progress to kidney failure, but the pace of development is very individual differences, which occurred in some patients soon after the biopsy diagnosis, while others can live after diagnosis is about 30 years. Generally show poor prognosis features are: older onset patients (onset after age 40); reduce the onset of glomerular filtration rate; sustained massive proteinuria (greater than 2 g per 24 hours); moderate hypertension and persistent microscopic hematuria with proteinuria. Furthermore biopsy for assessing the prognosis of patients has important value.

Note that cold moisture, pay attention to self-care, to reduce or prevent various diseases induced activities motivating factor, together with a number of protective treatment, stable disease, delay the development process, it can still achieve. In addition, the need to emphasize that, eager to seek treatment, trying everything asked drug, often backfire, but damage the kidneys, remember.


