
How IgA nephropathy patients that respond to infection

1, prevention of infection is the most important. Chinese medicine goes, "big heal before illness." Chinese and Western medicine, there is a special preventive medicine, which is the rationale for treating disease is similar to the Chinese medicine. Prevention of infection, whether it is the treatment of IgA nephropathy, or the overall quality of body conditioning, has a positive meaning. Preventive measures, it is important is to pay attention to personal hygiene, cold and warm, mild patients should be appropriate exercise to enhance physical fitness.

2, should be actively treated acute infection have been obvious signs of infection in patients with IgA nephropathy, especially for an active treatment. Particularly infections caused by bacterial pathogens, treatment sooner, the better, should try to remove the effects of kidney infection, prevention aggravate kidney disease. Part is the use of hormones or immunosuppressive agents IgA nephropathy patients, since their immune system is suppressed, sometimes very serious infections can be combined. Therefore, when co-infected patients with IgA nephropathy, due early Nephrology regular hospital specialist treatment, some patients need to be hospitalized.

3, chronic infection should try to cure for IgA nephropathy patients with newly diagnosed, should be routinely excluded mouth, ears, nose, throat and other parts of the presence of occult infection. Some occult infection because the symptoms are not obvious and often overlooked. Have been diagnosed with chronic infection foci, in assessing the relevance of specialist physicians, such as more good than harm, you should try to be radical. For example, persons with chronic tonsillitis may be considered tonsillectomy in ENT; merger caries, could caries removal in dentistry, and given the appropriate treatment.


